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Changing my Major from Electrical engineering to Computer Science or Engineering?


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I want to change my major from Electrical Engineering to either Computer Science or Computer Engineering...... I was just wondering if any of you have any advice on which you think would be better to take... I'm leaning towards the Engineering aspect as it probably allows a wider range of jobs, but I'm not sure..... anyone have any advice?

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Probably depends on the college but at my school computer engineering was a combination of computer science and electrical engineering. I liked CE because I don't like to be too focused on one area but after doing it I realized I liked the EE stuff a lot better then the CS stuff. CS is VERY theoretical, lots of math, combinatorics, algorithms, analysis etc. There's a lot more to CS than just programming, programming is merely the tool used towards all the other stuff.


EE obviously had a lot of math and theory also, but it was much more applied than the CS stuff which was very abstract.


If you do CS, I'd probably be prepared to go post grad otherwise you may be stuck with computer programming jobs which suck. I think EE is better but not by a whole lot :lol: With CE you can pretty much do either but be careful with your first job choice as you may find yourself roped into that field pretty quickly and have a hard time changing. If you find you don't like it don't wait too long to find something else. You can change majors pretty easily in the first couple years but changing careers once you've started down that path can be a little more difficult than you might think.

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I'm a EE and CPE (Computer Engineering) grad, and I'd HIGHLY recommend doing CPE (If EE is absolutely not an option). With CS, you're pretty stuck into what you'll be able to do. At least with CPE you have the option of either EE or CS work. I mostly do software type work for my job, but I LOVE having that EE background to dabble in circuits/amps/etc.

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Thanks, guys. Yeah, I could stick with the EE major, but I'm just a bit intimidated by it. I have my AA already and I'm about to transfer into one of the above 3 programs... my prereqs cover any of those 3, and I've been planning on going with EE, but for some reason just decided I want to change to CS or CE... still trying to make up my mind...

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I have an EE degree and write simulation code and manage a Nuclear Power Plant Simulator support team. The simulator is computer driven with over 30 networked PCs and mini-computers.

EE also is a great match for tech'n your amps and guitars.


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