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GM's plan for the future

Say Ocean

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I have to defend GM to some degree! I don't know what kinda ride you guys in the states have had, but GMs european offerings are fine cars! They're not a prestige brand, but they certainly do the job in modest comfort and economy! My diesel astra at work gets 50mpg when I'm caning it!


I think a lot of the problems the USA has it has a long line of pre-made popularised opinions! I remember a Ford Taurus I had out in the States and it had a {censored}ing V6 under the bonnet. Why exactly does a standard saloon hatchback need a V6? It wouldn't be anything to do with demand would it? Of course it is! I had this same conversation out there with a couple of workmates. They simply didn't believe that my "French" Peugeot 206 hatchback did just fine on a 1.1 litre engine. They asked things like "Ain't it even like a V... something" and "You guys use petrol over there too, like us, right?"


It was kinda funny actually! But fact is, that was one group of people who were satisfied with the common opinion that you need a big massive engine and in turn spoke with their wallets. Fact is petrol has be rediculously cheap in the States when compared to the rest of the world. So chucking a tank full into the V8Mustang was no big deal!

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I belive it was Edison or Ford who invented the electric car. But it cost too much, so they the powers that be shot it down, and made oil/gas cars instead.



Are you even listening to yourself!? I mean christ sake... just read what you've written there and TELL me you're not missing a coupla key factors in here?

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If we can get gas cheaper or just keep it like it is now then I could care less about more "cleaner" cars. The only reason I would ever be interested is if gas is expensive. And if they don't quit making these things look ugly I may never get one. I drive a chevy truck and plan on driving another chevy truck after this one. They need to put technology in cars that people want. Who wants to be seen in a prius?

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If we can get gas cheaper or just keep it like it is now then I could care less about more "cleaner" cars. The only reason I would ever be interested is if gas is expensive. And if they don't quit making these things look ugly I may never get one. I drive a chevy truck and plan on driving another chevy truck after this one. They need to put technology in cars that people want. Who wants to be seen in a prius?

Wow, that was everything wrong with Americans' opinions on energy in one post :facepalm:

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Wow, that was everything wrong with Americans' opinions on energy in one post

Agreed :facepalm:

Nothing pisses me off more than when I see a hummer pull up in the gas station and see a 4'3" 50 year old mom get out to fill 'er up. It makes me want to falcon punch her.


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A $40,000 hybrid that can go 40 miles on a charge

Ya know that's 40 miles before the generator kicks on.

The fact that they are still developing fuel cell cars is probably a large contributing factor in why they aren't done being developed. Few finished products are finished products when they aren't finished. See?

So yes, the range will be significantly higher than 40 miles. That and it will be significantly less than $40,000 eventually. My brother paid $300 for a 2x cd rom when they were new.

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If we can get gas cheaper or just keep it like it is now then I could care less about more "cleaner" cars. The only reason I would ever be interested is if gas is expensive. And if they don't quit making these things look ugly I may never get one. I drive a chevy truck and plan on driving another chevy truck after this one. They need to put technology in cars that people want. Who wants to be seen in a prius?



I think there's a chance you may be missing the big picture, here :poke::poke::poke:

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Wow, that was everything wrong with Americans' opinions on energy in one post

No {censored}. Proverbial stick foot in mouth.

My next home improvement will be complete solar tied to the grid. They can pay me after that. If they would actually make a decent efficient car with a decent price tag, that would be my next buy.

The screwed up thing is, they could actually do it but just won't do it. I don't get it. :idk:




If a couple of Joe blows like Reverend Gadget and this guy can do, they certainly can do it with ease.

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Thank you, and all the people claiming that the Japanese don't have to contend with unions overseas are full of {censored}, their are a greater percentage of Japanese workers that are union members than Americans. Number two Japan has an outstanding nationalized universal health care system, which it seems all the anti-union guys here are vehemently against, even though that's the one thing that allows the overseas Japanese plants to outperform American plants on a cost basis.

If you want to lower manufacturing costs, then vote for nationalized health care, if not then STFU and quit whining. :cop:

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A $40,000 hybrid that can go 40 miles on a charge

Your statement makes no sense. A hybrid is gas/electric and its travelling distance has nothing to do with the charge, its self charging. The electric assistance gives it better mileage

They had a total electric that could go 180 on a charge. And they squelched it. There is technology now that can make it go for 300 miles on a charge, none of the car companies are interested.

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If we can get gas cheaper or just keep it like it is now then I could care less about more "cleaner" cars. The only reason I would ever be interested is if gas is expensive. And if they don't quit making these things look ugly I may never get one. I drive a chevy truck and plan on driving another chevy truck after this one. They need to put technology in cars that people want. Who wants to be seen in a prius?



I wish every one that thought like that would pull their Hummers into their garages, fall asleep in their nice big comfy gas guzzlers, and fall asleep for the last time. It would be the single best thing that ever happened to our planet.

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No I get it but im a southerner chevy truck driving gas burning conservative my friend.

No you're not, you're a neo-con. Being a conservative means you actually think conservatively, but you just want to be allowed to have government subsidize your excesses. You're worse than a {censored}ing welfare mom pulling up for food stamps in a Lincoln or Caddy with bling out the {censored}ing ass. You do realize the subsidies to gas and the auto industry that you take advantage of are part of the parasite that is killing our economy.

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Your statement makes no sense. A hybrid is gas/electric and its travelling distance has nothing to do with the charge, its self charging. The electric assistance gives it better mileage

They had a total electric that could go 180 on a charge. And they squelched it. There is technology now that can make it go for 300 miles on a charge, none of the car companies are interested.



You've got the concept wrong, the Volt isn't just a standard hybrid. The idea was that you can use it totally electric for all your daily driving but if you're on a roadtrip the gas engine will kick in once your batteries are out

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Want to know why there are no electric cars in todays' market? Want to know why GM killed the EV-1 electric car back in the 90s?

Abuse of the patent system. An oil company - Chevron - bought the patent rights to NiMH battery technology during the EV-1 era, and now they refuse to license the patent to anybody effectively forcing electric cars off the market and forcing everybody to use gasoline to fuel their cars.

Chevron is abusing the patent system to maintain their monopoly on the oil energy market.

Toyota even had an electric car on the market using NiMH batteries, but Chevron swung the patent hammer down and Toyota had to discontinue the car.

Read here

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Want to know why there are no electric cars in todays' market? Want to know why GM killed the EV-1 electric car back in the 90s?

Abuse of the patent system. An oil company - Chevron - bought the patent rights to NiMH battery technology during the EV-1 era, and now they refuse to license the patent to anybody effectively forcing electric cars off the market and forcing everybody to use gasoline to fuel their cars.

Chevron is abusing the patent system to maintain their monopoly on the oil energy market.

Toyota even had an electric car on the market using NiMH batteries, but Chevron swung the patent hammer down and Toyota had to discontinue the car.



This is why we need to further legislate the criminalization of greed and practices that are purposefully intended to limit beneficial products coming to the market in order to protect the profits of entrenched industries.

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Heres something to ponder if you just want cheap gas & a fast, comfy ride:


Although you might not be up to reading if thats the case, so heres what it says..

They estimate 60 yrs of oil left (some say less). Keep in mind, as reserves dwindle, prices will go way up. Also, consider military & government usage, trucking, commercial airline, etc. They might need to hog up as much reserve as possible & limit "regular people" usage unless they develop a whole new way of doing things.


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Heres something to ponder if you just want
cheap gas & a fast, comfy ride


Although you might not be up to reading if thats the case, so heres what it says..

They estimate 60 yrs of oil left (some say less). Keep in mind, as reserves dwindle,
prices will go way up.
Also, consider military & government usage, trucking, commercial airline, etc. They might need to hog up as much reserve as possible & limit "regular people" usage unless they develop a whole new way of doing things.


Give them a year or two of gas lines like in the '70s, and they'll all be whining about how Obama's big government didn't achieve enough, and how the private sector does a better job spurring on scientific development. :facepalm:

I remember sitting in lines two blocks long or more as a kid, with the family hoping the car doesn't stall out before you make it to the pump.

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im not a Nascar fan but what would happen to them if the big 3 go under?

I despise Nascar. It has been a joke ever since they stopped pulling new cars off the showroom floor and modifying them to specs. Today's Nascar is beyond stupid. I can only pray that it will cease to exist. Next thing you know it will be the race to the Sprint Cup starring Honda, Toyota, Hyunduh, Suzuki, Kia, and :facepalm:
Die Nascar. Die!

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Screw GM and all the lazy assed union slugs that build that garbage for $75 an hour. They are a prime example of what is wrong with Detroit.

Union assembly workers make $75/hour?

What have you been smoking?

I work in a UAW plant (non-big 3) and I KNOW for a fact that GM/Ford/Chrysler assembly line workers make nowhere near $75/hour.

Some of the skilled trade guys like electricians/tool & dye/etc...maybe. Assembly-line, no way :o

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