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The problem owning too many amps.......


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i know your dilema man. Too many amps and not enough time to play them all. I try to have one amp for each purpose such as large gigs, small gigs, jamming and practising but its not that easy. They all demand my attention and who am i to hold out on them. Its not their fault i have to work when i should be at home playing them. I dont deserve light :cop::idea::cry:

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"Waaaaah....I can't fit all my hundred dollar bills in my wallet! My diamond encrusted shoes are too tight!!"

Just kidding...kinda;)

Damn right man! its not a dilema.. its a luxury!

somebody kick me in the face right now for complaining :cool:

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Damn right man! its not a dilema.. its a luxury!

somebody kick me in the face right now for complaining

It's all good man. It was just funny to me. I'm very satisfied with my one amp but I'm still jealous of you guys who have Diezels, Bogners, Fenders, Voxs, etc to choose from.

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Yeah, I know what you mean. Sometimes can't decide for a blues night. Should I bring my '58 Bassman, '59 Bassman or my RI '59 Bassman? Then, should I add a reverb unit? Then there are the nights I am in a "brown" mood and I can't make up my mind if I want to bring my '61 Super, '63 Vibroverb or just maybe the '61 Twin or '63 Showman. Just horrible!


A while back for a rock gig, I had such a dilemma. I wasn't sure if I should bring my '69 Marshall Super Bass, maybe the '73 SB? And which cabs? The '68 purple cab with the pre-rolas? Or maybe a '75 w/blackbacks? Possibly a combination of both. My JCM 800 cab works real well too.


At one festival last year I played bass. I said the hell with it, I can't decide! So I brought my SVT Classic w 8 x 10 cab, '71 Marshall Major and an '81 Bassman 135 along with Fender 2 x 15 cab.



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i have a decent amount of amps and what i always find myself doing is plugging into the amp i have neglected the longest, just to hear it again. Once in a while i will plug into the one that inspires me at the moment, but 9/10 times its the most neglected one lol.

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i have a decent amount of amps and what i always find myself doing is plugging into the amp i have neglected the longest, just to hear it again. Once in a while i will plug into the one that inspires me at the moment, but 9/10 times its the most neglected one lol.



I hear you! How's the OD100se? I'd love to add one to my collection.

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It's all good man. It was just funny to me. I'm very satisfied with my one amp but I'm still jealous of you guys who have Diezels, Bogners, Fenders, Voxs, etc to choose from.



It's not a complaint. I've worked hard to buy all of my gear and know that I'm lucky to have such great stuff.

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I hear you! How's the OD100se? I'd love to add one to my collection.



I love it, it is an amazing amp. However im going to be forced to sell it soon to make room for other gear purchases. Its probably the best made amp i ever had.

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Your fix seems redundant to me, since it isn't something that someone with a bunch of amps isn't already all too familiar with, you know (or maybe not) that guys with a bunch of gear who actually use it for more than a bedroom hobby are fully aware of... What is involved in transporting gear.




I didn't assume the OP was using a rig for studio purposes (Where it is stationary, and not needing to be moved), or for a "Live rig". I just gave a solution.

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