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I dont like how fizzy her vocal tone is....

at myself...

But I'm serious, there's a kind of sizzliness in there that's grating... to me.

I hear it...it almost leans into black metal shrieking at times. I think she's decent enough at what she does though. Death metal vocals is a pretty limiting medium though. Very few vocalists within the genre distinguish themselves. I can see why many would find her stage show a bit contrived, but for my part I see many, many metal vocalists in the modern area coming off the same way. I also can see why some would preceive having a female vocalist in a death metal band to be somewhat of a gimmick and because of this I think the bar is actually set higher for her. Long story short I think she's definitly a fine vocalist for the band she's in.

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The vocals of Angela on the last 2 records are so layered/full with effects to the point that it is annyoing to me. I didnt buy because of that. And the act she pulls on this vid doesnt look sincere to me. Othere than that, the brothers Ammot are brilliant.

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The vocals of Angela on the last 2 records are so layered/full with effects to the point that it is annyoing to me. I didnt buy because of that. And the act she pulls on this vid doesnt look sincere to me. Othere than that, the brothers Ammot are brilliant.



Have you heard Rise of the Tyrant? Even Michael Amott himself thought her vocals were overly layered and over-processed and tehy intentionally tried to fix that on Rise of the Tyrant. This album wasn't done by Andy Sneap like the last several were. It was done by Frederik Nordstrom (he did a lot of older In Flames/Dark Tranquillity/etc).


I hate to harp on this old point, but I really believe this new album is much better than the last 3, and I say that because I agree with you. The new stuff has lacked any kind of raw passion to it, been kinda bland and soulless, and I think that the production quality that Sneap gave them is part of it. The vocals are too layered and processed etc... but the new album was done by Nordstrom, and I think there's a lot more interesting guitar-work on it. It's a bit less polished, but I like that.

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Have you heard Rise of the Tyrant? Even Michael Amott himself thought her vocals were overly layered and over-processed and tehy intentionally tried to fix that on Rise of the Tyrant. This album wasn't done by Andy Sneap like the last several were. It was done by Frederik Nordstrom (he did a lot of older In Flames/Dark Tranquillity/etc).

I hate to harp on this old point, but I really believe this new album is much better than the last 3, and I say that because I agree with you. The new stuff has lacked any kind of raw passion to it, been kinda bland and soulless, and I think that the production quality that Sneap gave them is part of it. The vocals are too layered and processed etc... but the new album was done by Nordstrom, and I think there's a lot more interesting guitar-work on it. It's a bit less polished, but I like that.



Ya, I was abit dissed with the Tyrant vocals as well, but the guitar playing was quite nice.


Anthems still the best IMO.......

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Maybe Anders now, but back in the day, no way. Besides, he had his own sound... you can't really compare others to him because he did his own thing. Which I must say, I greatly prefer to the effects- and layers-buried crap that Angela does.



I thought we were talking about "now." If we are not I don't see the point.


I can't stand post-Colony Anders' singing. To be honest I don't much care for his band these days either. Bring back Glenn!

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Have you heard Rise of the Tyrant? Even Michael Amott himself thought her vocals were overly layered and over-processed and tehy intentionally tried to fix that on Rise of the Tyrant. This album wasn't done by Andy Sneap like the last several were. It was done by Frederik Nordstrom (he did a lot of older In Flames/Dark Tranquillity/etc).

I hate to harp on this old point, but I really believe this new album is much better than the last 3, and I say that because I agree with you. The new stuff has lacked any kind of raw passion to it, been kinda bland and soulless, and I think that the production quality that Sneap gave them is part of it. The vocals are too layered and processed etc... but the new album was done by Nordstrom, and I think there's a lot more interesting guitar-work on it. It's a bit less polished, but I like that.



Yeah, but in the end the vocals ruin it for me. Nevertheless I like Amott and their riffs. I have to admit though that I'm bored with the grunting nowadays and also the kinda screaming you hear in hardcore/crossover bands. I wish good old evil Chuck Schuldiner was still here. Back to thrash for me!

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Have you heard Rise of the Tyrant? Even Michael Amott himself thought her vocals were overly layered and over-processed and tehy intentionally tried to fix that on Rise of the Tyrant. This album wasn't done by Andy Sneap like the last several were. It was done by Frederik Nordstrom (he did a lot of older In Flames/Dark Tranquillity/etc).

I hate to harp on this old point, but I really believe this new album is much better than the last 3, and I say that because I agree with you. The new stuff has lacked any kind of raw passion to it, been kinda bland and soulless, and I think that the production quality that Sneap gave them is part of it. The vocals are too layered and processed etc... but the new album was done by Nordstrom, and I think there's a lot more interesting guitar-work on it. It's a bit less polished, but I like that.



I agree about the material, but completely, 100% disagree on the Sneap part. On every album he did with them, they sounded better and better in terms of overall production. I will say I like Angela's voice MUCH better on ROTT, because it sounds more natural, but everything else on that CD sounds like complete ass. The drums are weak and the guitars ave a decent tone, but the grating upper mid spike in the mix (or probably mastering) is beyond annoying. It's mastered waaay too loud as well. I can't believe Nordstrom did this mix, compared to past work...


It's a shame, as personally, I find ROTT to be my favorite AE album of them all, but I can only listen to a couple songs before I have to shut it off.


There aren't a lot of modern metal CD's that I think are completely ruined by the mix master like this one. That's why I loooove the new DVD. the mix for the new songs presents them in a much better light.


Sneap mixed the new DVD, and he also did their last one (live Apocalypse), but I don't think he did near the reamping and studio stuff that he did on Live Apocalypse...This new one is much more natural. Sounds great to me.


Also, I much prefer Angela to Johan...by a long shot.

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Maybe Anders now, but back in the day, no way. Besides, he had his own sound... you can't really compare others to him because he did his own thing. Which I must say, I greatly prefer to the effects- and layers-buried crap that Angela does.




AS far as her vocals go, I think you should listen to their new CD. MUCH more natural, and she sounds a bit more pissed off and "real" than I've ever heard her.


Great CD, IMO (aside from previous mix/master comments). A great combination of their more aggressive work blended with the melodic.

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