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Anybody watching American Idol?

The Anomaly

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I actually caught the tail end of it last night...Paula and Kara (?) totally railed that girl and said she wasn't very good, and Simon and Randy were pretty much drooling over her...Simon gave out his opinion and said how good he thought she did and he couldn't even look her in the eye...It was quite comedic...


Bitch is fine as {censored} though - I agree I believe she wants Seacrest...dude is an idiot if he doesn't (or hasn't already) tagged that :lol:

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if you were seacrest, you would have zero interest in a female, as demonstrated on that episode.



I know, that is bothering the {censored} out of me. She's giving a new meaning to the phrase "throwing yourself at someone", and he's all, "I'm not really interested".


Teh Gheyzorz


I'm going to have to watch it again so I can put her in my inventory.

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Very High Maintenance


Maybe she'll write a book like Obama Girl


bet she's a bizness major



Damn, dudes have to find $ to build amps and work hard. All she has to do is act seckkzy ina bikini!

She'll make a {censored}load by the end of this season

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