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Mesa Boogie DC-3, please tell me more


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So, I shall be in the market for a new amp soon enough. An amp that has caught my eye for a bit is the Mesa DC-3. All of the clips I've heard are killer. From the cleans to the lead channel.


Any owners out there that can tell me what they like and dislike about the amp? Or if you so choose another amp that is around the same price range.


While i like 6L6's more for cleans, the cleans of EL84's have grown on me. I love teh dark cleans :love:. As for distortion/overdrive, I'm a fan of very articulate dirt. Something that wont mush notes together when the gain is at a decent level. Very clear and cutting.


Helpz me!:wave::wave:

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hm.. 84's are good for articulate dirt ONLY if you have fine control over your overdrive channel, and i haven't met any of the unmodded 84 mesas that DO have that. i don't know the dc3 intimately though-- but i can tell y' from owning calibers (.22 and .50) for a LOOONNG time that the gain channels really have a good piece of gain, and aren't really great for midgain tones with buckers... and what you get is pretty squishy with higher gain!


you CAN use the clean channel with dirt-- especially if you're playing LOUD-- put it up around 5-6, and you get a lot of great natural OD, which WILL stay really articulate-- but the power section'll be providing a LOT of the gain sound. its very different than preamp gain-- and gets pretty spongy-- so don't expect it to be SUPER articulate all wound out... but it oughta be pretty good any way you slice it!

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Great little amps. I'd spring for a later model DC-5 tho but that depends on whether you dig the spongier crunch of overdriven EL-84's or the punch and headroom of octal power tubes.


BTW... I've got a DC-5. My second ironically... and it's a great amp all around. Very versatile.


Edited to add: Remember to do the volume mod on whichever one you get. Otherwise you'll have 100w Marshall stacks cowering in the corner pissing on themselves when your little amp is on 3. It's super easy. Just snip a resistor off the master vol. pot or off the board depending on the revision you have.

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the only set back that I have as a gripe is with the the pre amp control of the dc-3 it lacks the versitility of the DC-5 and DC-10. If really want the el-84 chime and you don't mind checking to see that a set of yellow jacketed el-84s can fit in the head shell of the dc-5 - I would recommend the Dc-5 first, but other than the preamp controls difference I really like the DC-3 and it really turns heads when someone unfammiliar with the amps sees that its just el-84s in there. all in all get one but also consider the dc-5 as an option

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Great little amps. I'd spring for a later model DC-5 tho but that depends on whether you dig the spongier crunch of overdriven EL-84's or the punch and headroom of octal power tubes.

BTW... I've got a DC-5. My second ironically... and it's a great amp all around. Very versatile.

Edited to add: Remember to do the volume mod on whichever one you get. Otherwise you'll have 100w Marshall stacks cowering in the corner pissing on themselves when your little amp is on 3. It's super easy. Just snip a resistor off the master vol. pot or off the board depending on the revision you have.



Hahahaha, is it seriously that loud? If I've done my research it only comes in at 35w right? And the DC-5 is @ 50w?

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haha, and im assuming it sounds better louder?


A 50w amp is nearly as loud as a 100w amp from a pure physics standpoint. Mesa's and VHT's have been the loudest amps I've owned for their wattage. My VHT D-60 was the same way. The thing with the DC series amps is that resistor on the master vol. It screws with the taper.


As an example... Just for giggles we set my DC-5 next to an egnater Tourmaster set to 100w. in the loud amp room at GC. My DC completely drowned out the tourmaster. While the tourmaster cranked like that started to get all woofy and crappy sounding my DC just continued to sound killer. We weren't "cranking" either amp but my DC was up half way and in order to hear the tourmaster over the DC you had to crank it and it sounded like ass.


Any of the Mesa rectifiers or mark series amps will over power similar wattage amps from many other manufacturers. It's one of the reasons I sold my old 2 channel dual rec. It was stupid loud and sounded like ass at lower volumes. The DC's sound great at lower volumes but they'll easilly keep up with a really motivated drummer.

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haha, and im assuming it sounds better louder?


man... to my ears, i LOVE the sound of overwrought el84's more than anything.. NEVER has a problem cutting in a mix, and has plenty of ass end with that power section..


i dunno-- i had a 50 cal for years, and loved it-- i'd think a dc3 would be pretty much the best mesa had to offer for a simpler amp.. especially as i've just never been fond of higher gain 6l6 amps.

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man... to my ears, i LOVE the sound of overwrought el84's more than anything.. NEVER has a problem cutting in a mix, and has plenty of ass end with that power section..

i dunno-- i had a 50 cal for years, and loved it-- i'd think a dc3 would be pretty much the best mesa had to offer for a simpler amp.. especially as i've just never been fond of higher gain 6l6 amps.



I really get blown away each time I play through my carmen ghia, it may not have the gain of the dc-3, but it is a chewy and amazing. I like tp push the amp and play hendrix. again the dc-3 and the ghia are in no way comparable, but the amps really show the versatility of the el-84 and how it can be used in a design regardless of the amplifier's feel

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So say, If i was going to use the cleans more then anything else.


Would the both the Dc-3 or Dc-5 suit well? I mean I dont need tons of volume, since i only really jam with friends. And whats the real difference between the two? Just wattage or is there a considerable difference in sound?

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So say, If i was going to use the cleans more then anything else.

Would the both the Dc-3 or Dc-5 suit well? I mean I dont need tons of volume, since i only really jam with friends. And whats the real difference between the two? Just wattage or is there a considerable difference in sound?



The DC-3's don't really have what you'd call clean headroom. They're going to break up pretty quickly. Even my DC-5 breaks up on the clean channel if I'm playing loud and picking hard.


IMO, it comes down to whether you like the greasy, spongy, EL-84 vibe or do you like the Ballsy, punchy 6L6 thing. To me it's a no brainer but then I've never liked EL-84 amps aside from the stuff Orange builds.

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So say, If i was going to use the cleans more then anything else.

Would the both the Dc-3 or Dc-5 suit well? I mean I dont need tons of volume, since i only really jam with friends. And whats the real difference between the two? Just wattage or is there a considerable difference in sound?



i think a lot of that depends on what you want from the character of your cleans.


84's have this characteristic squash to 'em.. they're not SUPER clean like a twin.. but they compress and feel very.. i dunno. i've heard people call it 'greasy'... whereas a 6l6 kinda goes 'klank'. it's ALL clean. i HATE that most times.. and i think a lot of other folks do as well, as a lot of folks love the old tweeds and blackfaces which're a little more forgiving. an 84 usually is a lot less harmonically parched, even at lower volumes to my ears than a 6l6..


i always use cleans with a bit of dirt-- i use my .22 ONLY on the clean channel, and roll back my volume knob if i want cleans. even then, you still get nice harmonics. 6l6es.. some guys can do it, but it's just a cleaner experience all together. i haven't played a dc5 in probably 15 years... so it's hard to recall.. but i found it really VERY different than my 50 cal with el84's.. and just not my bag..

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The DC-3's don't really have what you'd call clean headroom. They're going to break up pretty quickly. Even my DC-5 breaks up on the clean channel if I'm playing loud and picking hard.

IMO, it comes down to whether you like the greasy, spongy, EL-84 vibe or do you like the Ballsy, punchy 6L6 thing. To me it's a no brainer but then I've never liked EL-84 amps aside from the stuff Orange builds.



Ummmm, I have an AC-15 right now that runs off El84's but I usually set it to run clean anyhow. Then again I dont think the DC-3 and AC-15 are even near the same class as each other. So the Dc-5 runs off of 6L6's, very nice.


I mean I'm selling the Carvin Legacy I had cause it was just too loud for what I was doing even in the 50w mode so I'm just worried about picking up another 50w amp and it being useless to me because its just way to loud. And from what you guys are telling me here, it just sounds like the DC-5 would be way to loud.

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Ummmm, I have an AC-15 right now that runs off El84's but I usually set it to run clean anyhow. Then again I dont think the DC-3 and AC-15 are even near the same class as each other. So the Dc-5 runs off of 6L6's, very nice.

I mean I'm selling the Carvin Legacy I had cause it was just too loud for what I was doing even in the 50w mode so I'm just worried about picking up another 50w amp and it being useless to me because its just way to loud. And from what you guys are telling me here, it just sounds like the DC-5 would be way to loud.


i couldn't get my 50 cal beyond 3 with a drummer in a small practice space.. barely woke up, even with a really inefficient 16 ohm speaker... :facepalm:

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The DC-5 is fine at whisper volumes. In fact it sound really fat and warm at TV volumes. I use mine for living room practice alot. Just clip the resistor off the master volume pot and you're golden, otherwise the taper on the master is a bit like an on/off switch. Just be advised that if you need an amp to play a loud gig without being mic'd up you're golden with a DC-5, especially the head played into a nice 212, or the combo with an EV style 200w speaker.

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Ya, see....thats what worries me.



nah-- i think you're going the right direction with a smaller amp-- but a 30 is no slouch, i assure you.. i use a .22 cal-- 2 el84's, and with 2 99+db/w speakers, i have NO problem putting it at 8 and keeping up with a drummer who's fairly loud, and a gk400 with an 18.


i sold the .50 because i could NEVER get it loud enough to sound good-- but got the half sized power section so i COULD drive it hard. you might also see if you can find a dc2-- which is similar in output to your ac15 with a similar preamp. xgatex posted clips of his the other day if you look for it!


EDIT: meanwhiles-- i think what ryan's saying is true-- you can set 'em up to sound alright at low volumes-- but it's a different kind of thing to a roaring output section sort of good-- it's totally serviceable-- but its not 'power section blaring' sort of greatness, to my ears! some folks really dig that-- and if you're heavy on the front end gain-- the dc5'd suit you, for sure. but if you're looking for a munchy sort of squish that you get from a LOUD lower watter hitting the wall, the 50 will fight you getting it.

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Ummm, appreciate the input guys

I'll see what comes up on both of them. From what I'm seeing they both go for like $600-750, decent prices?


A nice DC-5 head will run you mid 700's. I've owned a couple and the last one I got looked brand new and cost me $750 shipped. A guy on the boogie board just got a DC-3 for something like $450 but that's not typical. I'd head over there and look around. There's usually stuff for sale.


ETA: Here's a combo for sale...



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A nice DC-5 head will run you mid 700's. I've owned a couple and the last one I got looked brand new and cost me $750 shipped. A guy on the boogie board just got a DC-3 for something like $450 but that's not typical. I'd head over there and look around. There's usually stuff for sale.


Sweet, I shall take a gander. Thanks a lot :love:

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