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US GUYS!!! LOST!!! gimmie a hand please?


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Hey, sorry for the slightly unappropriate post.


Has lost finished aairing in the US yet? Im not totally sure of the conversion times. Did the new episode of lost finish half an hour ago, or is it still 30 mines till it finishes?


CHeers :)

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This season is shaping up to be awesome. Last nights episode was pretty mindbending. Do you guys have any theories? I'm thinking that the future (present) is the wrong future and that's why they're all in the past. But then they say that you can't change the future.

Then again, that can't be it. Charlotte said that Faraday was on the island when she was a little girl, which means that they have always been in the past...ugh. Nevermind, I have no theories.:rolleyes:

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