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Installed a New Reverb Tank, But...


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So here's my story:


I picked up a used Crate VC120H for a killer deal a few months back and it was in great condition, except for the fact that the reverb tank was missing. I consulted with Cal at Accutronics (great guy, btw) and got the correct replacement ordered. It came in today, so I put into my amp, hooked up the leads...and didn't get much reverb.


I didn't have my guitar with me to actually test the reverb the right way, so I gave the amp a slap and I could just faintly hear the springs vibrating through the speakers. And that was with the reverb control dimed. On some of my other amps, jarring the amp produces a rather loud "SPROING!", so did I do something wrong here? I tried switching the input/output leads and got absolutely no reverb, so I don't think that's the issue. Could it just be the fact that I didn't have a guitar plugged in, or did I screw something up?


Any ideas?

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hmm, i hate to be "that guy" but put nicely, are you sure the reverb was any louder than that to begin with (stock, brand new, before that one was replaced)?



Honestly, no, I don't know that the reverb was any louder than that before. Since there wasn't a stock unit, I really have no idea how loud the reverb should be.


I suppose the amp could just have inherently quiet reverb circuitry, but that doesn't seem to make sense either. It just seems logical that knocking directly on the tank ought to produce a lot more than a faint springiness in the background.


Just for kicks, what's the best way of knowing which RCA cable is the input and which is the out? The one I've got plugged into the tank input is red and I assumed that the grey RCA was the output. Perhaps that's wrong?

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Just for kicks, what's the best way of knowing which RCA cable is the input and which is the out? The one I've got plugged into the tank input is red and I assumed that the grey RCA was the output. Perhaps that's wrong?


Well, if you get nothing at all with them reversed you may have guessed correctly. :idk:


Dumb question, but did the reverb pan come packed with any styrofoam or tape or anything like that to hold the springs down?


I made a quick look for a schematic of the amp for some other ideas, but couldn't find anything for that amp. Does it have a tube-based or SS reverb circuit?



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i just posted a similar thread. troubleshooting the accutronix tank of a fender pro tube twin i got off the bay. first off, the guy didnt say anything about the verb not working. second, the RCAs were in backwards. changed them back, even replaced the driver tubes, but no verb. although i have an interesting issue. i get the SPROING loud and clear, as i should, but no actual reverb. and every verb circuit i have heard is incredibly noticeable at full whack, so i wouldnt stand for the puny verb you're getting.

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There was a piece of foam in the pan when I took it out of the box, but I assumed (and rightly so, I hope?) that it was for shipping purposes and took it out before I mounted the tank.

I've got a schematic, but it's too large to attach, so my computer tells me. As far as I know, it's a solid state unit.

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Just had another thought...

I was in a bit of a rush to leave after getting the tank installed, so I just gave it a smack and decided that I would deal with it tomorrow. The amp's at church, not my house, otherwise I would've been screwing around with it all night.

Anyway, I have all my volume/gain controls set for when I use my pedalboard, which amps up my guitar signal quite a bit. I wonder if the reason the amp was quiet because the volume controls were set a little on the low side?

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i just posted a similar thread. troubleshooting the accutronix tank of a fender pro tube twin i got off the bay. first off, the guy didnt say anything about the verb not working. second, the RCAs were in backwards. changed them back, even replaced the driver tubes, but no verb. although i have an interesting issue. i get the SPROING loud and clear, as i should, but no actual reverb. and every verb circuit i have heard is incredibly noticeable at full whack, so i wouldnt stand for the puny verb you're getting.



Your problem sounds like it's with either the input or the output trans on the tank itself, especially since you get the noise when smacking it. My tank was a brand friggin' new unit, though, straight out of the box, so I'm thinking that the likelihood of the tank being damaged is pretty low. I gave it a once over before putting it in the amp and while I'm no expert, everything looked the way it was supposed to---no broken wires/springs or anything like that.

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There was a piece of foam in the pan when I took it out of the box, but I assumed (and rightly so, I hope?) that it was for shipping purposes and took it out before I mounted the tank.

I've got a schematic, but it's too large to attach, so my computer tells me. As far as I know, it's a solid state unit.



Dude, you took out the foam? It's done for now.

















































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I'm not very savvy with reverb tanks, but I do know that there is some sort of transformer inside the tank itself that drives the unit. Since you've tried messing with the cables and even changing out the driver tubes, I think that pretty well narrows it down to an internal tank problem.

I'd E-mail/call Accutronics and see what they have to say. From my experiences, their customer service is quite good.

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Got a chance to try the amp with my guitar today, and no dice. Even with the reverb knobs maxed, I couldn't get more than a whisper of 'verb. I tried switching the input/output cables once more, and I know for a fact that they're in the right order.

Any ideas? What should I do next?

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Question. When you got it the reverb tank was missing. Is there an explanation behind this?

Was it manufactured accidentally without it? (perhaps missing essential components to function properly)

Was it ripped out/stolen? (IE: quick dismantle causing bad connection somewhere and/or fault in the circuitry?)

Was it simply just taken out due to a faulty reverb tank?

Lastly, maybe the reverb tank just needs a bit to "open up"? or perhaps that is just how loud it naturally is.

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I was fully aware that I was buying the amp w/o the reverb tank, although I never got the reason why. There are clearly screw holes from where the old tank used to be, although I don't know why the original owner took it out. From reading the reviews for this particular line of amps, the stock reverb units sounded like absolute garbage, so I suppose the original owner could've just taken it out because he didn't like the sound.

I don't buy the "open up" explanation...smacking the reverb tank ought to produce a little more sound than a little whisper. I suppose the amp might just have a naturally quiet reverb, but that doesn't seem likely either.

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well at least you knew your verb would be absent. this guy didnt say {censored} about it. and he hasnt answered my questions since on the ebay. should i leave this guy bad feedback? never done that before.

so i took a final look at the tank since i was getting tank output but not tank input. turns out the input inductor has a huge piece of metal missing (the identical inductor on the output side has what looks like a bridge of tranny iron on it, and its conspicuously absent from the input inductor) that looks like it performed not only a structural but also a conductive function :???: so it looks like i need a new tank :(

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Okay so there for sure at one point was a reverb tank in there.

Have you checked all the connections from where the RCA cables go to and where it connects on the board and all that jazz?



As far as I can tell, yes, there was a reverb tank installed at one point. The screw holes and the presence of the RCA cables certainly seem to suggest that.


I haven't opened up the amp to look at the board and honestly, I'm not sure I want to. I've read too many warnings about tube amps and high voltages and I'd much rather live to play an amp with no 'verb than fry myself trying to get the reverb tank working. My grandpa, who works on electronics, took a look inside after I bought the amp, though, and he said it was clean as a whistle. I imagine that if there was a problem with the RCA connections, he would've found it.


I E-mailed Accutronics, but I haven't heard back from them yet. I'm not sure whether or not they're open on Saturdays, and if they're not, I probably won't hear back from their customer support rep until Monday. Until then, anyone have any ideas? Any tests I could do with a voltmeter or something?

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never mind. looks like that piece is suposed to be missing (from the pics on accutronics site). but the input conneciton is way loose. some crazy type of connector. hmmm...



Don't be so paranoid, my man...reverb tanks have a reputation for being terribly fragile :poke:.


It's a box full of springs, a few screws, and some magnets...it's very possible that the tank was damaged in shipping or something. But if the seller hasn't made any attempt to re-establish contact, that seems suspect. I don't usually leave negative feedback either, but the reason it's there is for bad transactions.

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