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Natasha Richardson Dead!!!


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What's crazy is that she crashed on the bunny hill. How fast could she have been going? Its not like she was tackling a double black diamond and hit a tree or anything. Word is that after she fell, she got up laughing, and was fine the rest of the day. She started feeling sick and lapsed into a coma later that night.

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When Liam heard about it he was furious. He kept calling the ski resort asking to speak to the manager. Saying he had all these combat skills that he developed over years of special training and that he'd find that guy and hold him responsible. I'd hate to be that guy.


But seriously it was probably an weak blood vessel that popped. The skiing probably had little to do with it.

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What's crazy is that she crashed on the bunny hill. How fast could she have been going? Its not like she was tackling a double black diamond and hit a tree or anything. Word is that after she fell, she got up laughing, and was fine the rest of the day. She started feeling sick and lapsed into a coma later that night.



thats {censored}ing brootal

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My wife is in the medical field and said that kind of injury, i.e. smack upside head, seem ok, then poof, an hour or so later coma, then death is really common. She called it 'talk and die' or something like that.

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