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Am I really weird?


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I was thinking of the concepts for my potential or partially-complete songs, and they're all a bit odd...


- The Snowman - a morbidly obese guy has bad dandruff. He is unpopular because of both his weight and dandruff problem. He pushes away his sorrows with more food and balloons to even larger proportions until he is larger than the planet Earth. Then whenever it snows, it's actually him scratching his head.


- Shopping Trolley Suicide - see my other thread in this section about my new song concept/idea.


- Onion Foot - a guy called Frank is walking down the street and finds there's an onion stuck on his shoe. He kicks it off and continues walking, but then finds it's there again. He gets a bit disturbed by this and starts kicking and jumping around madly, trying to rid himself of these mysteriously reappearing onions. People inside their houses think he's insane and call the police, who have him taken to a mental hospital, as he was rambling about onions and none were in sight. His elderly mother, at the end of the song, is calling his phone and leaving ever more concerned messages, unable to find him. She heard from her friend that he was stealing onions from people in the neighbourbood and dancing around the town wearing them on his feet. Eventually he ends up in jail. The reason for this isn't explained though. It's just mentioned through her last phone message to her son. (it's not explained because it makes no sense, you see. lol)


- Mr Moth Works in the Nose Department - about a guy who works in this factory making prosthetic noses. He works all day, and it's from the point of view of this girl who is obviously really bored and so sits outside this factory one day from dawn till dusk and sees Mr Moth come in and then go home. She follows him and finds out he lives behind the factory in a box constructed of disgarded prosthetic nose clippings. It's actually quite a lovely piano tune.


Do any of these seem just too weird for the majority of people in society? I don't want to do songs that are weird just for the sake of being so. I want GOOD quality music that makes you feel things, and then maybe if people listen closer, they might go "WHAT!?" lol

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Maybe... but why should that stop an artist? Make the art you feel

There are millions of wannabes out there falling all over themselves trying to sound like someone else. How lame is that?

Be you.



I was about to post a 30 page diatribe with Shel Silverstein style illustrations, a venn diagram and a manifesto, but you summed up what I was going communicate quite nicely. Although, I think the illustrations would have still been nice...

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It's much better to be weird and original. I'd rather have something that people have no choice but to react to instead of being a cookie cutter version #4,253,097,787 of How You Remind Me or whatever comes along on the radio. Nobody really wants to hear that nonsense. When I listen to the radio, I hope and pray to hear something NEW and exciting- even though it's mostly an exercise of futility, that's what gets my gears grinding. So weird or no, I'd say keep going and keep writing no matter how weird you think it may be. Some people out there like new innovating weird-ness. Like me!

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I was thinking of the concepts for my potential or partially-complete songs, and they're all a bit odd...

- The Snowman - a morbidly obese guy has bad dandruff. He is unpopular because of both his weight and dandruff problem. He pushes away his sorrows with more food and balloons to even larger proportions until he is larger than the planet Earth. Then whenever it snows, it's actually him scratching his head.

- Shopping Trolley Suicide - see my other thread in this section about my new song concept/idea.

- Onion Foot - a guy called Frank is walking down the street and finds there's an onion stuck on his shoe. He kicks it off and continues walking, but then finds it's there again. He gets a bit disturbed by this and starts kicking and jumping around madly, trying to rid himself of these mysteriously reappearing onions. People inside their houses think he's insane and call the police, who have him taken to a mental hospital, as he was rambling about onions and none were in sight. His elderly mother, at the end of the song, is calling his phone and leaving ever more concerned messages, unable to find him. She heard from her friend that he was stealing onions from people in the neighbourbood and dancing around the town wearing them on his feet. Eventually he ends up in jail. The reason for this isn't explained though. It's just mentioned through her last phone message to her son. (it's not explained because it makes no sense, you see. lol)

- Mr Moth Works in the Nose Department - about a guy who works in this factory making prosthetic noses. He works all day, and it's from the point of view of this girl who is obviously really bored and so sits outside this factory one day from dawn till dusk and sees Mr Moth come in and then go home. She follows him and finds out he lives behind the factory in a box constructed of disgarded prosthetic nose clippings. It's actually quite a lovely piano tune.

Do any of these seem just too weird for the majority of people in society? I don't want to do songs that are weird just for the sake of being so. I want GOOD quality music that makes you feel things, and then maybe if people listen closer, they might go "WHAT!?" lol




I think it's all in how you present the material. What is the objective of your writing endeavors? What are your personal musical convictions?


Here is some perspective, but certainly I am not qualified to "preach" or KNOW reality. It's just my take.


Personally, I am entertained by these notions or song premises based strictly on your unique imaginative content. So what you are presuming "weird" might just be "entertaining" in many of your listeners minds.


How do you present your music? Are you a person sitting on a stool with an acoustic guitar in a coffee house, singing moderately flat about "smelly cats"? Or are you putting these songs into some electric neo psychedelic song context? Are you a virtuoso musician using the odd angular context of the lyrical content itself to paint as unique and animated a take on life as is your presented playing style and technical abilities?


There really is no such thing as "the absolute rules" of artistic presentation. It most likely just comes down to being exactly who and what you want to be perceived as in whatever context you do so best naturally within.

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smells like teen spirit?



I just recently learned where that phrase came from.

According to the book "Heavier than Heaven", a biography of Cobain, his then girlfriend spray painted that on his wall..."Teen Spirit" was a brand of deodorant she wore, and since they were intimate, it alludes to the fact the he smelled like her. kind of romantic.

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There are two ways you can be successful in songwriting. One is to try and emulate what's popular. If you're exceptionally good at it, and not merely mediocre, you'll be a great success, and attract a wide audience. Possibly have a few hits on the charts. However, there are so many people trying to do it this way, that it's harder to stand out among the crowd. Most people just wind up sounding like everyone else.


The other way to go is to do something that's totally left-field and unique. Your potential audience will probably be smaller, but you may have a greater chance of carving a niche for yourself, and gaining a smaller loyal audience. People will be more likely to remember you because of your uniqueness. A lot of female singer-songwriters seem to have success with this method. Tori Amos, Regina Spektor, Nellie McKay, Amanda Palmer, Bjork, the list goes on. These artists have all written some truly bizzare songs, but they certainly have no shortage of hardcore fans, even if they aren't mainstream.

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I just recently learned where that phrase came from.

According to the book "Heavier than Heaven", a biography of Cobain, his then girlfriend spray painted that on his wall..."Teen Spirit" was a brand of deodorant she wore, and since they were intimate, it alludes to the fact the he smelled like her. kind of romantic.




actually, a fellow musician in the Seattle area (Kathleen Hanna) spray painted the phrase on Kurt's wall as a joke because her friend and Kurt's girlfriend at the time (Tobi Vail) wore Teen Spirit. Hanna was "tagging" Kurt's room as a joke that Kurt had been "tagged" by Vail with her fragrance


of course, the song puts a totally different spin on the phrase ... gotta love it

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I was thinking of the concepts for my potential or partially-complete songs, and they're all a bit odd...

- The Snowman - a morbidly obese guy has bad dandruff. He is unpopular because of both his weight and dandruff problem. He pushes away his sorrows with more food and balloons to even larger proportions until he is larger than the planet Earth. Then whenever it snows, it's actually him scratching his head.

- Shopping Trolley Suicide - see my other thread in this section about my new song concept/idea.

- Onion Foot - a guy called Frank is walking down the street and finds there's an onion stuck on his shoe. He kicks it off and continues walking, but then finds it's there again. He gets a bit disturbed by this and starts kicking and jumping around madly, trying to rid himself of these mysteriously reappearing onions. People inside their houses think he's insane and call the police, who have him taken to a mental hospital, as he was rambling about onions and none were in sight. His elderly mother, at the end of the song, is calling his phone and leaving ever more concerned messages, unable to find him. She heard from her friend that he was stealing onions from people in the neighbourbood and dancing around the town wearing them on his feet. Eventually he ends up in jail. The reason for this isn't explained though. It's just mentioned through her last phone message to her son. (it's not explained because it makes no sense, you see. lol)

- Mr Moth Works in the Nose Department - about a guy who works in this factory making prosthetic noses. He works all day, and it's from the point of view of this girl who is obviously really bored and so sits outside this factory one day from dawn till dusk and sees Mr Moth come in and then go home. She follows him and finds out he lives behind the factory in a box constructed of disgarded prosthetic nose clippings. It's actually quite a lovely piano tune.

Do any of these seem just too weird for the majority of people in society? I don't want to do songs that are weird just for the sake of being so. I want GOOD quality music that makes you feel things, and then maybe if people listen closer, they might go "WHAT!?" lol



Do what you want and be true to yourself!

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