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The Kiss of Death?

Lee Knight

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OK, bear with me. This was written 31 years ago. My manager at the time had the spark of the idea. The protagonist loves to fight. He thrives on it. The Kiss of Death. He wrote some key lines and I finished the next 95% and wrote the music.


So now, I'm re-doing these tunes in the same spirit they were written back then. 3 piece New Wavey Combo fun. The original group have made it sort of a fun project. To record the album that was never recorded before we broke up and all moved to seperate music careers. The original line up reunited. Yahoo!


I don't want to change the simple, naive quality but then again, this is my last chance to get rid of something overtly bad, embarrassing or hokey. The song never really made much sense to me. Does it? If not, it is OK cause the song itself is a lot of fun and works. Buit stilll... lyrically... ???


I've been recording the tunes and it is sounding good. This is turning into something very fun. Really. I have a bit of internet performance art planned for this whole project I'll share eventually. But for now... without changing the whole damn thing, what's sticking out as in need of a fix lyrically? (I'm aware the cadence of the 1st and 2nd verses are different, it works in musical context very well though). So... help. :) BTW, this song clocks in at 2:30!!! God bless those skinny ties.



The Kiss of Death



You... never were the kind of girl to look me in the eye

You... tried to scratch them out, I wasn't that surprised

You took a swing, I ducked, you missed

You called me dumb, you're gettin' good at this

And now you try to make up with a kiss?



It's the kiss of death don't you know... what you're doin'

This could be your last breath before, it's all ruined



Everyone needs someone, we have to let off steam

So when you try to be my friend, you're damaging the dream

I learned to count on you, at least a round a day

But it's no use getting angry when you look the other way



It's the kiss of death don't you know... what you're doin'

This could be your last breath before, it's all ruined



To explode in anger... and have you lash right back

Was the finest friction, the sweetest fade to black


C out

It's the kiss of death don't you know... what you're doin'

This could be your last breath before, it's all ruined

It's the kiss of death don't you know

It's the kiss of death don't you know

It's the kiss of death don't you know... what you're doin'

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You know, I could nit-pick some stuff and suggest some other stuff... but that just doesn't seem to fit the tenor of this revisitation. I say do it true to its roots (unless there's something that's just plain always bugged you from day one... I have a few of those... it's funny how they can resist repeated efforts to fix them up... lack of other viable options... I guess that's how they got there in the first place... sort of like how Mike Dukakis ended up as his party's nominee in '88. [Not to mix eras.])

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:)OK... I got you. But this:


To explode in anger... and have you lash right back

Was the finest friction, the sweetest fade to black


I love that first line of the bridge, and I like "the finest friction"... but... "The sweetest fade to black"?? I just look at that, and try other stuff, and wrestle with it and get locked into some sort of 31 year old time warp and Rod Serling starts talking in my mind's ear and...


"the sweetest fade to black?"


Is that even passable? Or is it that the rest is so... whatever, that it just doesn't mater at this point? I gotta learn this soundclick business and post the tune. Then maybe I can provoke some sort of overt loathing and criticism! :)


Just leave it. Right?

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:)OK... I got you. But this:

To explode in anger... and have you lash right back

Was the finest friction, the sweetest
fade to black

I love that first line of the bridge, and I like "the finest friction"... but... "The sweetest fade to black"?? I just look at that, and try other stuff, and wrestle with it and get locked into some sort of 31 year old time warp and Rod Serling starts talking in my mind's ear and...

"the sweetest fade to black?"

Is that even passable? Or is it that the rest is so... whatever, that it just doesn't mater at this point? I gotta learn this soundclick business and post the tune. Then maybe I can provoke some sort of overt loathing and criticism!

Just leave it. Right?


Maybe try these and see they work:


Was the finest friction, "sweeter than a heart atttack

"the sweetest sort of backlash (or, slap)"

"more than I could ask"


The second ones a bit of a tongue twister but I think I like it the best

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Maybe try these and see they work:

Was the finest friction, "sweeter than a heart atttack

"the sweetest sort of backlash (or, slap)"

"more than I could ask"

The second ones a bit of a tongue twister but I think I like it the best


I'm liking this: "more than I could ask". It's pedestrian in one respect 'cept that it sings really well. Thanks. I'll try that tonight.


Any other outstanding, obvious warts, please point them out... comments welcome except maybe, "Boy does that suck". ;)

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To explode in anger... and have you lash right back

Was the finest friction, the sweetest fade to black


To explode in anger...and have you lash right back

Your the detonator... a fading heart hijack


...or not:lol:

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