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Mesa Boogie Caliber 22


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Anyone have any experience with this amp? I've been using a Mesa Boogie MKIIB for the last 10 years as my main amp. I love the sound the Boogie gets me, but the amp is heavy and louder than I ever need. I'm definitely not looking to get rid of it, but I'd be curious to add a 20 watt Boogie if I can milk the same sounds out of it as the MKIIB. Hell, 20 watts is probably louder than I will ever need... but the amp has got to be lighter and I should be able to push it harder at a lower volume. :idea:

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that's what i play. you can definitely get close to the mark sounds with it, but it's probably a little bit spongier. you can DEFINITELY push it hard at lower volumes than a mark...


i basically use mine as a single channel amp on the clean channel.. gain channels nice if it's yer bag, but pretty excessive for anything other than 'high gain' tones.. which i kinda don't use..

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I thought these amps were made in the mid 80s? What kind of stuff do you play? I dig 70s guitar tones and some modern stuff (Govt Mule, Derek Trucks, Black Crowes). This amp would be used for the cover band I play with (classic rock stuff, some blues, some newer stuff).


For reference, I am talking about one of these... http://shop.ebay.com/mesa%20boogie%2022?_from=R40&_trksid=m38&_nkw=mesa+boogie+22&_naf=1

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well.. i play noisy punk rock and throw the thing on top of a thiele cab.


it's been a pretty reliable beast, sounds good, and mine was built in 91. i've been using the same preamp circuit since about 1994.. and i've had probably a week off of using my previous amp-- a .50 cal-- for repairs. the .22 does eat some 84s.. but luckily they're cheap.


i dunno-- i like the amp a lot, and have never had any trouble getting good sounds out of it, and you can run it a LOT of different ways from classic rock to all out incendiary metal with another cab. its a midrange beast though-- and you WON'T get thunderbass out of it... mind you now.

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there have been a few lately on the for sale forum, as I understand it the onboard EQ is a must.



it is if you want to use it as a fully functional footswitcher... the eq's definitely helpful... and i use mine as a 1 channel, and i use the rotary eq flat, and give a treble boost with the graphic.


any way y' slice it though... eq's nice to have!

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I have a Studio 22+ (w/ eq) and I really like it a lot. One of the things that surprised me most about it was when I first picked it up and found how lightweight it is. A lot of those Mesa's are deceptive - they look small and compact, but you go to pick them up and they feel like they are nailed to the floor.

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I have a .50 plus head with EQ and I love it, I had a MKIII that I sold because of financial problems and I bought the Cal for $400. It very very close to my old Mark. It is definitely quieter and not as full as the Mark probably due to the smaller transformers, but the Mark tone is there.


If you want to downsize from a MKII but may think the 22 would be too small, the 50 is a good option, it definitely fits in between the 22 and the Mks.


I am dying to buy a .22+ combo for real small gigs.

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I have a .50 plus head with EQ and I love it, I had a MKIII that I sold because of financial problems and I bought the Cal for $400. It very very close to my old Mark. It is definitely quieter and not as full as the Mark probably due to the smaller transformers, but the Mark tone is there.

If you want to downsize from a MKII but may think the 22 would be too small, the 50 is a good option, it definitely fits in between the 22 and the Mks.

I am dying to buy a .22+ combo for real small gigs.



I'm really looking for something smaller. Most of the time the gigs are in smaller places.... I've been looking at smaller amps and just found out about the .22 combo from Mesa. I've been really happy with the MK IIB.


I've been trying to find clips on youtube, but there's not a lot there. For around $500 I don't see how you can go wrong.

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Yeah... my MK IIB is a tank.

I'm really looking for something smaller. Most of the time the gigs are in smaller places.... I've been looking at smaller amps and just found out about the .22 combo from Mesa. I've been really happy with the MK IIB.

I've been trying to find clips on youtube, but there's not a lot there. For around $500 I don't see how you can go wrong.



If you click the youtube link in my sig the vids that pop up are my .22 . Just dickin around, but you can hear my .22.

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Are you using it on the Yellowledbetter and Man in the Box solos?



OOPS! Havent put up any live band vids in a while!! Dont have any band vids of the studio. I feel I have cheated you as that is my ValveKing I no longer have. I dont have any vids at the moment with my .22 in a band mix. I just noticed those two vids are about a year old. We have gotten a bit better since then. Our singer was still new and this is the first band he did lead vocals for.

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