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Ever see your ex with a new girl?


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luls! Alright.... there will be some gaps as some of them are no longer on my facebook fiendslist...

The one on the left in this one... the other one wanted to 3 way with us... but nooo dice!
{censored}ING BONKERS THIS ONE! And that's me you bromo's!
On the right...
The one on the far far left... it's her and her family...

I will have to add as the memory comes back ha ha!


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1. Why didn't you go for the 3 way

2. The chick on the left in that same picture (where you brought up the 3 way) is HOT!!!

Good for you bro, good for you!



Yeah, we dated for about 8 months, she was a good girl! The other one was... errr... not worth it. really. Just bonkers... plus I don't share. I'm a focused lover, not a sharing kind of a guy...


Current girl is amazing too, so you know... I like to keep it all to myself...


Still for single nights of epic, life altering sex, the first one is easily the top of the list, and hence why she wa sposted first. Easily one of the most memorable. Girl sitting on the fence is in close second...


For largest volume of amazing sex, the one with her family... 6 months with her... squirter... UNREAL...


Current chick is easily going to become the most amazing, passionate, mind altering sex if we keep getting tighter like we have been. She's an animal...


Blonde one with the big smile was the harshest, most heart breaking crush ever. Sex was standard but unreal because I was a fool and fell in love with her...


Then there's the Newfie, (unpictured,) the girl with synesthesia... apparently my dick tastes like ripples, Aiofe the gayt womans straight ex, so hot, the first girls former best friend Katie... soupy boobs FTL... the list ain't long, but it ain't short...



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I don't know if she still lives with her folks or not but whatevs.... Also... ugliest {censored}ing vagina I have ever seen. Srsly... like a split, flesh tone banana with an upside down meat moth hanging out of it... *shudder*


I can relate. :love:

Wait.... :eek:


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