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Favorite Buckethead work


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I've been going through his library of stuff, what I can find of it anyway, with his various Pseudonyms make it difficult to track it all down.


I hadn't listened to Colma before. Damn what a cool record!


Anyone else into him? What's your favorite work of his?

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If you like Colma check out electric tears.

Elephant Man's Alarm Clock and Inbred Mountain are both good places to start.

I just got his brand new one A Real Diamond in the Rough and {censored} is top notch.

Really man if you are just getting into him and look at the recent string of Dan Monti produced albums. They are all pretty straight forward and lack a lot of the experimental stuff Buckethead has released.

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Buckethead's albums can kind of be all over the place and when you find something you like and you pick something else up it may come as a bit of a shock when you start to hear some of it. I'll do my best to kind of break it down. I really like his music and dig on his whole concept he has going on.

There are albums that are mainly acoustic and very chilled out, but still have very dark overtones. Colma, Electric Tears and Acoustic Shards

Good albums but can be a bit drowning at times because a lot of the music sounds the same.

Stuff that sounds more like fusion with overdriven tones but some more high gain stuff thrown in like Population Override, the Thantopsis stuff (Anatomize, Axiology and Thantopsis) Chicken Noodles I and II (just extended jams with guitar and keys) and The Dragons of Eden. I think a lot of this is some of his best work as most of it is pretty cohesive and easier to listen to than some of his crazier work.

I really like this stuff a lot as it has cool old school synth sounds with moog and fender rhoads keyboards courtesey of Travis Dickerson.

Bucketheadland cds. These are basically like soundtracks to his fictional theme park horror house. There are tons of little interludes with talking and quite a bit of nonsense. These in my opinion are the hardest albums to listen to if you want to just rock out and listen to music because of so many samples. If you become a big fan you can find a lot of joy in this stuff. Bucketland I and II, Giant Robot, Cyborg Slunks.

For people that want to dig deeper into his ficitional wonderland of joy

Then Buckethead will release stuff that is very straight ahead hard rock and metal. These albums feature a lot of the eccentric parts of his playing but with a more listenable feel, real riff based. Crime Slunk Scene, Peppers Ghost, The Cuckoo Clocks of hell (really hard hitting heavy metal thru out) Decoding the Tomb of Banshee Bot,The Elephant Man's Alarm Clock,Enter the Chicken (lots of vocals on here, Nottingham Lace is the only instrumental and it is great) Funnel Weaver (49 tracks that are basically 1-2 minutes long and comprised of riffs) Giant Robot NTT,Inbred Mountain, Monsters and Robots and Albino Slug (a new one and it is very good)

These albums are his most listenable in my opinion for folks starting out. They are pretty straight ahead and have great riffs and solos.

He also has stuff that is very Avant-garde and has hip hop influences where he does lots of mock turntable stuff and works with drum loops. I will also catagorize stuff that is just plain off the wall crazy, things that take a special ear to appreciate. Somewhere over the Slaughter house, Bermuda Triangle (I really like this one as it isn't as crazy as some) Cobra Strike 13th Scroll and Y Y+B X+Y(both very cool albums), Cyborg Slunks, Day of the Robot, Gorgone, Island of Lost Minds,Kevins Noodle House, El Stew's No Hesitiation.

These cds can be hard to listen to at times if you aren't into crazy sounds and off the wall rhythms as for minutes at a time he is just creating whacky sound scapes.

There are also the Death Cube K albums which are just avant-garde soundscapes that just go on and on. Very weird, dark {censored} going on.

Deli Creeps and Cornbugs were his first bands and they has release some of there stuff at points. It features a guy named Maximum Bob who has a really weird style of singing.

I have really gotten into a lot of his work over the last year and really appreciate what he does as I think it is pretty original, at least I haven't heard a lot of folks doing it. If you have any questions pm me and {censored}.

Go to TDRSmusic.com and look around, they record and sell a lot of his stuff. Enjoy! Peace

I posted this for a forumite not so long ago as well.

check out tdrsmusic.com for sure. You can Download a whole bunch of his albums for around 9 dollars a piece.

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Sent. The Pm's are obedient with spelling errors.


Theres still a lot of albums I didn't mention in there as well. Theres Death Cube K which is like an erie soundscape band.


But I think its appropriate for someone just getting into buckethead.

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BH is definately one of my fav guitarist, my favorite albums are

peppers ghost
decoding the tomb of the banshee bot
albino slug
crime slunk scene
elephant mans alarm clock
population override
dragons of eden

i can listen to most of his stuff but thats the ones i get the most out of.

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I have the Buckethead DVD Secret Recipe which has a good show on the 2nd disc. I'd say Soothsayer is my favorite song, but after reading through the descriptions on the various cd's I'll have to explore some more stuff!

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One of the best live shows I have been to.

{censored} yeah!!!

after almost getting in a fight with this HUGE redneck guy I managed to give him a Slash action figure :D

I really like his cobra strike stuff...sounds like he is about to self destruct

I relaly liked his work in guns n roses to....loved some of the slash solos he did

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I relaly liked his work in guns n roses to....loved some of the slash solos he did



I really liked his take on the Paradise City outro. Check it out from 6:35;




Axl had a star in that band, probably the only Slash replacement that could have carried the band. Too bad Axl {censored}ed it up, again.

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Axl had a star in that band, probably the only Slash replacement that could have carried the band. Too bad Axl {censored}ed it up, again.

I thought it was a genius move on Axl's part (and an insane one to get robin finck....)

he is a little flat on notes (there are some better ones later on) but I love this solo to



and then theres this abortion, complete with missing notes and pop shot faces and sweep picking with what axls got left :facepalm:

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Yeah, although in Ron's defence he's doing a much better job now.


Here he is covering Buckethead pretty much note for note (I would have LOVED to see Bucket play this live, but he never will). Check it out at 3:50.




DJ Ashba is a {censored}ing tool though.

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Crank this with some good speakers that have big lows...:eek:


I used to play this and never noticed the insane bass he put in it until I played it in a car with decent speakers. Then I just had to up the volume after hearing it :lol:


And I really dig how much versatility he has as an artist. The new album is very good.



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I like the concept of Buckethead, rather than listen to his albums.

I don't think recording engineers have really captured what he can do. Which is why I am rabid to see him live, and pref watching him on youtube rather than what he records.

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