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Opiate addiction


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Dude, your wife's sister must have been in serious difficulties to be on that stuff, unless your doctors were superbly {censored}ed up in their prescriptions. I hate to press the point, but do you suspect incompetance on their behalf there?



Doctors prescribe methadone like candy for pain, man. Some seem to think it's safer than the alternatives because it is "less addictive". The problem is that it is more deadly than alternatives. There are thousands of doctors out there that are VERY poorly educated on the dangers of the medicines they give to people all the time.


And of course the doctors were incompetent. They probably gave her a dose that was much to large and didn't take into account her other meds. I would have sued them for every penny I could get.

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Well, dude, it comes to the case of whether such a guy/gal is danger to people. I mean, there are fantastic - even poor - doctors who save so many lives they are due a {censored} up: as little consolation as that may be the victims family - but we would want healing us. But that {censored}? I mean {censored}, I'm training as a...a...nurse and I'd hope to spot that oversight.

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anyone care about the dudes who made and marketed OC knowing full well the abuse potential and got a $630 million in fine after they crushed over 65 separate lawsuits from the poor schlubs who got trashed by their poison. They lost a criminal case, while won every single civil case (normally easier, see OJ).


Turns out Rudy Giuliani was their legal lead in fighting to keep this crap for sale. The company Purdue, claims they had to pay 90% of the profit they had made....unless thier accounting is as fictional as a typical american company...

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anyone care about the dudes who made and marketed OC knowing full well the abuse potential and got a $630 million in fine after they crushed over 65 separate lawsuits from the poor schlubs who got trashed by their poison. They lost a criminal case, while won every single civil case (normally easier, see OJ).

Turns out Rudy Giuliani was their legal lead in fighting to keep this crap for sale. The company Purdue, claims they had to pay 90% of the profit they had made....unless thier accounting is as fictional as a typical american company...



Opiate pain killers are necessary. Ask any cancer or spinal surgery patient. The problem is not the companies who produce the drugs IMO. The problem is the doctors who give them out without thinking twice. If the companies were told to stop making the medicines today, there would be thousands of people who would lose their only defense against crippling chronic pain.

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Wow, I'm truly sorry to hear how many have serious problems with hard drugs. I myself smoke weed from time to time, I made myself a promise never to try meth, coke or opiates, and I intend to stick with that promise.


Methadone is definitely not without risks, it's actually a very dangerious drug, but of course a bit better than heroin.

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Opiate pain killers are necessary. Ask any cancer or spinal surgery patient.






The problem is not the companies who produce the drugs IMO. The problem is the doctors






The problem is not the companies who produce the drugs IMO. The problem is the doctors who give them out without thinking twice.






If the companies were told to stop making the medicines today, there would be thousands of people who would lose their only defense against crippling chronic pain.



Personally, privatization is not remotely right for this area. I'm not pulling completely communist, but here all nations should be dropping some money in without issue or agenda and working that way. Drug companies attempting to buy health professionals is a recipe for failure.

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Opiates are my best friend. I'd rather die than deal with the pain I'd be in without them. I have back/spine/nerve issues. I spin dry from them every now and then to make sure the pain still exists and to clean my system out so they'll work at a lower dose. Withdrawl does suck though. Mojo to all those out there who are suffering.

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Opiate pain killers are necessary. Ask any cancer or spinal surgery patient. The problem is not the companies who produce the drugs IMO. The problem is the doctors who give them out without thinking twice. If the companies were told to stop making the medicines today, there would be thousands of people who would lose their only defense against crippling chronic pain.




I agree 100%.

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I stopped using heroin three years ago. Since then I have been on methadone and am loving life. I havent used anything illegal, no drinking, nothing. The best part is I was able to finish college and get into law school. In case anyone doesn't know, methadone will get you "high" if you are not accustomed to it. Once a person is prescribed it and takes it for a few weeks, they are not "high" at all and are as sober as anyone else. This is true based not just on experience, but the FDA agrees that it is a medical fact.

I highly encourage anyone with a severe opiate problem (not just someone who sniffs a few vicodans) to look into methadone and/or suboxone therapy. It can save lives.

Now I expect a hundred uninformed and biased threads about the "devil scourge" of methadone, so let 'em fly.............

Regarding methadone, I am actually prescribed it for chronic pain along with percocet, and although it could be very easy to abuse, I do hold myself accountable. But I don't even care to drink anymore, and other than the occasional 420 at night for kicks and sleep, I am content.

So used in the correct manner, opiates should be given more of a fair shake. I hate the vilification of methadone and others in the media because it really does make a lot drs. afraid to prescribe. its sad. but then you have the users and abusers out there who ruin it for the rest of us who actually need it to function.

as for heroine, I have read that it is becoming quite the epidemic in parts of the country. but I have to agree with someone who said that meth is the real epidemic BECAUSE THERE IS NO PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION DESIGNED TO WEAN ADDICTS FROM IT. IT IS SO SAD. THEY SHOULD WEAN THESE POOR PEOPLE WITH THE SPEED EQUIVALENT TO METHADONE...ANYTHING AMPHETAMINE WOULD WORK. I AM WATCHING MY WIFE'S TWIN SISTER KILL HERSELF BECAUSE SHE CAN'T STOP. SHE JUST CAN'T...:confused::confused:

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Methadone seems to have gotten my kids off heroin. They were into it badfor 5+ years, They are trying to get to the suboxin phase now and get off methadone. They go to the clinic every day.
I got a bad back, spinal chord damage and disintegrated disk which is terrifically painful in my legs and feet (sciatica and periferal artery disease), so opiates are perscribed but yes, heroin is pretty bad.
One of my sons x girlfriends recently died and several of their friends have died. Thats the way it is for kids around here.


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Methadone seems to have gotten my kids off heroin. They were into it
for 5+ years, They are trying to get to the suboxin phase now and get off methadone. They go to the clinic every day.

I got a bad back, spinal chord damage and disintegrated disk which is terrifically painful in my legs and feet (sciatica and periferal artery disease), so opiates are perscribed but yes, heroin is pretty bad.

One of my sons x girlfriends recently died and several of their friends have died. Thats the way it is for kids around here.



similar pain issues for me. its crazy what chronic pain does. One day you feel young dumb and full of cum invincible, the next thing you know you are in your early 30's unable to lift your Dean guitar cases by yourself, or go for a run, or jam more than 2 hours...sitting or standing. sorry....rant.


yet its hard to complain sometimes because there are people suffering with so much more

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similar pain issues for me. its crazy what chronic pain does. One day you feel young dumb and full of cum invincible, the next thing you know you are in your early 30's unable to lift your Dean guitar cases by yourself, or go for a run, or jam more than 2 hours...sitting or standing. sorry....rant.

yet its hard to complain sometimes because there are people suffering with so much more



I totally relate man.

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I've done it all... DMT on an 18th floor balcony at 5 am after a 36 hour day of eating an ounce of mushrooms, an 8 ball of coke, a few gallons of Panama City's Finest Saltwater, OC's crushed to make me breathe right, local shrimp, and 16 bottles of wine, {censored} that makes Steven Adler look like Charlie Brown.



Jesus Christ mate nice work, that's a story for the grand kids!

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Adderall is amphetamine and is prescribed to kids every day. The only difference between amphetamine and methamphetamine is the speed with which they can hit the central nervous system. The effects are basically the same. There is actually a prescription methamphetamine for ADD too called Desoxyn.

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Opiate pain killers are necessary. Ask any cancer or spinal surgery patient. The problem is not the companies who produce the drugs IMO. The problem is the doctors who give them out without thinking twice. If the companies were told to stop making the medicines today, there would be thousands of people who would lose their only defense against crippling chronic pain.



pain was not miraculously solved when these idiots started to make their under-engineered "low abuse potential, time release" heroin, and then marketed it HUGELY as harmless and effective. Took the addicts about 2 weeks to figure out how to crush the coating and get the rush. And then its sold hand over fist to the pain sufferers + 10x more "possible pain" sufferers, leaky distribution chains, dishonest pharmacists, mexican/online pharmacies etc. all while the VICTIMS are serially getting {censored}ed in court with no government help or oversight and former civil servants pinch hit for the scummy company....


so yes, opiods made as safe as possible, for actual pain sufferers, heavily regulated and monitored, and with illegal outlets CLOSED, which is quite possible with approved pharmaceuticals, not cartels

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Adderall is amphetamine and is prescribed to kids every day. The only difference between amphetamine and methamphetamine is the speed with which they can hit the central nervous system. The effects are basically the same. There is actually a prescription methamphetamine for ADD too called Desoxyn.



totally agree. do you know if they are using it for weaning meth addicts yet?

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But, Americans ask, "what more can I take to solve the problem of taking too much of something?"


answer: diet pills, hydroxycut (recalled/liver damage) and new pills from...Reckitt Benckiser Pharmaceuticals, who will sell you buprenorphine and naloxone to help you kick the products Purdue makes....everybody profits! 2/3 win (you lose)

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totally agree. do you know if they are using it for weaning meth addicts yet?



I've never heard of them weaning meth addicts with adderall, but I can see some problems. People can recover from opiate addiction because the brain can relearn normal levels of endorphins (opiates act as synthetic endorphins in the brain). However, often meth addicts are not able to make this recovery. Their brains are used to being saturated to MASSIVE amounts of seratonin and dopamine. Sometimes these systems are permanently changed by meth. That's why you hear about former meth addicts dealing with lifelong depression...the brain never goes completely back to normal and the strong cravings never really fade. So in other words, I don't know that a taper would even do anything for the meth addict. I'm not a doctor though, but you would think they would be doing it if it worked. Its definitely BAD stuff. Meth is far more destructive than even heroin IMO.

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But, Americans ask, "what more can I take to solve the problem of taking too much of something?"

answer: diet pills, hydroxycut (recalled/liver damage) and new pills from...Reckitt Benckiser Pharmaceuticals, who will sell you buprenorphine and naloxone to help you kick the products Purdue makes....everybody profits! 2/3 win (you lose)



love your thinking. we live in the land where money grubbing hypocrites create problems for us, and like you said....they get paid no matter what the outcome. gotta love the american (corporate) way.

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I've never heard of them weaning meth addicts with adderall, but I can see some problems. People can recover from opiate addiction because the brain can relearn normal levels of endorphins (opiates act as synthetic endorphins in the brain). However, often meth addicts are not able to make this recovery. Their brains are used to being saturated to MASSIVE amounts of seratonin and dopamine. Sometimes these systems are permanently changed by meth. That's why you hear about former meth addicts dealing with lifelong depression...the brain never goes completely back to normal. So in other words, I don't know that a taper would even do anything for the meth addict. It definitely BAD stuff. Meth is far more destructive than even heroin IMO.



yeah, when I say wean, I think that for some it could work. But for others, it should be understood that they will have to be on some sort of prescribed amphetamine or similar for the rest of their life to keep them from going back to the Home Depot variety. of course, this is all so complex too

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