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I dream of songs!


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i am an amazing piano player in my dreams. on par with rachmaninov or beethoven. i'm a very ordinary guitar player in my dreams. bang out chord stuff.

in real life, i'm a pretty damn good guitar player and i've barely touched the piano since i was 8.

i can't really remember much about the songs i write in my dreams, although a few days ago i had a dream where i was reading an article where ani difrance used one of my lines in one of her songs. at first i was like "yeah, no big deal, i'm just that good", and then i realized that it was pretty major and i almost wept with pride. then i woke up and felt weird about the whole thing, and i couldn't remember the exact line. i got the gist of it written down, though.

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I'm going to get me a little digital voice recorder. The little 30 buck ones. Just to document this stuff. I've been regressing / evolving into my 19 year old self lately. I can't stop writing.


Dreaming, driving, at work, cooking, in the bathroom, opening mail... my mind is in the muse clouds all the time lately.


Get yourself a recorder, Lee.

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I always dream of music. It is usually most intense when I am in the hypnogogic stage and falling asleep. Usually people have visual hallucinations but I always hear melodies and sonic textures. My main goal as a musician has always been to turn these into reality. Attaining the capability is very difficult but someday I will be able to do it perfectly!

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I have a blank sheet of paper and a pen waiting on my desk, and a guitar standing by. I wake up, and immediately play out and write down what was in the dream.


If you later find out it exists, then throw it away!


Usually, for me, it does not.


I have a huge file now of stuff started this way.

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I've forgotten some of the best songs I composed....simply for lack of a way of capturing them. Many came to me at night (perhaps as a dream or perhaps as I lay waiting for sleep to come)


A few years back I bought a small digital recorder to keep next to the bed.....and I now capture many ideas that I use to lose. Since then I bought a few more to keep in the car and in my office...to quickly capture ideas. Now if I could only remember to change the batteries before they die.

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