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I'll work for water

Eclepto Funk

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That was a good laugh. I enjoyed it a lot. A bit like Subterranean Homesick Blues. You do it with gusto and I'd love to hear it with a good drummer playing brushes and maybe another guy playing upright bass.


Some things that I might change: the "portrait/prostate" couplet doesn't work for me. "Bleep/lip" is a bit of a stretch too. The reference to Vista is very topical and definitely will date this song. Of course there are other references to present day events and people but that one really stuck out to me.

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here's a video taken with a cheap camera in my bathroom.

i would be very interested on comments as to how the lyrics work as sung, the lyrics themselves, etc. any couplets that you think don't work, etc. lyrics are under the "more info" tab

any and all feedback appreciated




I like this. But educate me, where's more info tab? I want to read lyrics and I'm lost...

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right hand side - in the box



Thanks stick.


OK... the song. It's great. So many, very funny, intelligent ideas coming at you. It's really well done. If I had to pick something that doesn't quite work it'd be,


find the Golden Fleece, paint Medusa's portrait

let medical students practice on my prostate

and i'll be a paid escort if you please

even if your undies smell like bad cheese


I think "corset" offers some amusing potential as portrait's rhyme partner. And the smells like cheese bit doesn't rise up to the level of humor you've established so far. But that's nitpicking cause you have about 1000 times more cleverness packed into this than I ever could.


When I listened to your performance before having the lyric to read, something bothered me a little, the open phrasing of the rhythmic cadence of your lyrics. Thing is, on paper your lyrics have a great flow... so your rendition of them is a little loose rhythmically. Even though it is all there on the page. And of course, I hear the folk/blues open flow tradition happening where you play to your own clock and are not bound by structure and rigidity. Still... I think your lyrics deserve to be rendered in a more articulate, rhythmic way.


Just a thought. Really clever writing. :thu::thu::thu:

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thanks guys, for taking the time to listen and comment


hmmm ... Melinda didn't like the portrait/prostrate rhyme either


it's hard to rhyme "prostate" (corset is a good idea to keep portrait)


Lee, i am still about 75% through getting the phrasing down. it changes a lot throughout the song. maybe once that happens the song will flow better


again, thank yoU!

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usually when someone says 'here's a video taken with a cheap camera in my bathroom' I get a little worried, but I clicked anyways...


First off, really good concept and folksy delivery, mostly great tongue in cheek lyrics. Kind of reminds me of a Bobby Bare novelty song.


I think you could use 'I'd do anything to be employed' repeated with another good line in each verse at the same turnaround, as a weird kind of 'chorus', to sew it up a little bit and tie the verses together. Even a slight change (I'd do anything to get a job), but something that offers a bit of a common thread across the verses.


+1 with everyone on the portrait/prostate rhyme. There are also some fantastic lines in here, like 'swallow your pride/lose weight for you', and 'clean septic tanks from the inside out', because they're a joke in themselves. Others seem more or less random like 'burn down a forest' or 'chew on asbestos'. They fit the theme, just not as clever I guess. All that said, it's just minor observations, because it's a great song and I also like the timely references. Don't let these small critiques throw you.


Great job EF, I enjoyed it a lot!

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just ate

metal grate

fire and slate




on a date

tempting fate

private gate

love and hate

I'm late

choose a mate


enemy state

masterb... wait

clean your plate

take the bait





shimmy shake

chocolate cake

its a fake

step on a rake

e-z bake

goodness sake

on the take


too fake

fire lake

take a break

what's at stake


off the top of my head :)

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