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so i make a 2am run to mcdonalds


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You're lucky they didn't throw in a free side order of ptomaine poisoning.

That's what I got the last time I went to a McDreadful's @ 2AM!

Spewed from every possible orifice for 3 days. No more Mickey D's for meez, pleez.


Did You sue?

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You're lucky they didn't throw in a free side order of ptomaine poisoning.

That's what I got the last time I went to a McDreadful's @ 2AM!

Spewed from every possible orifice for 3 days. No more Mickey D's for meez, pleez.


You too, huh?

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I wouldn't be mad about it. Just check and take it back.


I mean working there is looked down upon but I know what it's like.


McDonalds was the job I had at 17. And it was harder than what I do now. lol You had to remember a lot at once and sometimes small details like no ice don't get passed on to the person who's filling the cup.


I feel sorry for older people who have to work there. I never look down on them like some people do. If my order gets messed up no big deal. I take it back and ask nicely and they always change it.

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Go to the bathroom and take a big stinky {censored} in one of their soda cups (no lid) ....


Casually walk out and set it in an inconspicuous place (so it's not discovered right away) and so it will stink up the dining area.


Even if you tossed the cup into the trash bin, it will still eventually fill the dining area with that sweet aroma that we all love so much.

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Go to the bathroom and take a big stinky {censored} in one of their soda cups (no lid) ....

Casually walk out and set it in an inconspicuous place (so it's not discovered right away) and so it will stink up the dining area.

Even if you tossed the cup into the trash bin, it will still eventually fill the dining area with that sweet aroma that we all love so much.


I think someone found that and decided instead to make me a Quarter Pounder with cheese out of it! :mad:

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Sadly, it's really hard to prove that kind of thing after you've already wolfed down the evidence in a dank-fueled nosh frenzy. The bassist in my band does fire inspections and services sprinkler systems in restaurants and told me later that I had picked the nastiest McDonald's in all of north Florida to quell my munchies at. I rudely informed him that this information would've been much more useful to me several days earlier!

Sweet! Misery loves company!

It wasn't quite as bad as the 1999 Taco Hell incident that left me in the emergency room, hallucinating and sucking down 3 bags of IV fluid in world-record time, but it wasn't far from it.


Damn! screw all these nasty ass fast "food" joints. I'll Just go to the store and make My own sandwich's from now on.:facepalm:

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You're lucky they didn't throw in a free side order of ptomaine poisoning.

That's what I got the last time I went to a McDreadful's @ 2AM!

Spewed from every possible orifice for 3 days. No more Mickey D's for meez, pleez.


Wow, that sucks. Luckily I've never gotten sick, which is amazing considering all of the fast food I eat. Canadian cleanliness ftw.

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I wouldn't be mad about it. Just check and take it back.

I mean working there is looked down upon but I know what it's like.

McDonalds was the job I had at 17. And it was harder than what I do now. lol You had to remember a lot at once and sometimes small details like no ice don't get passed on to the person who's filling the cup.

I feel sorry for older people who have to work there. I never look down on them like some people do. If my order gets messed up no big deal. I take it back and ask nicely and they always change it.


lol at taking food back anywhere.


i never complain to people about my food.


asking for a replacement = extra surprise in your food



i have another question. do you order food in your cop uniform? ive seen this {censored} so many times in movies :lol: (no offense)

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I wouldn't be mad about it. Just check and take it back.

I mean working there is looked down upon but I know what it's like.

McDonalds was the job I had at 17. And it was harder than what I do now. lol You had to remember a lot at once and sometimes small details like no ice don't get passed on to the person who's filling the cup.

I feel sorry for older people who have to work there. I never look down on them like some people do. If my order gets messed up no big deal. I take it back and ask nicely and they always change it.



I agree, and am the same. I worked their for two years (15-17), and it could be a pretty tough job at times. Its pretty easy to screw up a small detail, so I know what it feels like.

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lol at taking food back anywhere.

i never complain to people about my food.

asking for a replacement = extra surprise in your food

i have another question. do you order food in your cop uniform? ive seen this {censored} so many times in movies



You sound like a sissy to me. If you didn't get what you asked for, you should make them get it right. Just be polite, and I'm sure nothing bad would happen.

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You sound like a sissy to me. If you didn't get what you asked for, you should make them get it right. Just be polite, and I'm sure nothing bad would happen.

also, I've never worked in a restaurant.




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You sound like a sissy to me. If you didn't get what you asked for, you should make them get it right. Just be polite, and I'm sure nothing bad would happen.


sissy for not returning a messed up order? :rolleyes: okay


you must think people who work at restaurants care actually care about customers needs. :poke:


i wouldnt be surprised if you had an extra surprise in your food.

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lol at taking food back anywhere.

i never complain to people about my food.

asking for a replacement = extra surprise in your food

i have another question. do you order food in your cop uniform? ive seen this {censored} so many times in movies
(no offense)


In my town the people are really nice. I know most of them. In bigger cities cops have more problems with getting stuff in their food.


Although it's never happened here I still watch them pretty closely. We eat mostly at this local place owned by a family we know. We like to support their place. They have really good food and the wife does all the cooking. They are really good people and would never do that.


We get discounts almost every place we go. Free Subway.


EDIT: You'd also be surprised about how many fast food workers DO care about the customer. I was young and honestly I did not care about the customer. I worked at quite a few of them. I hated being there and just wanted to go home.


But I'd say 90% of the people that worked there did care. And they cared too much. They would go crazy on me if I didn't give them cheese. I mean CRAZY on me.


But those people are still there.

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cop's should never eat fast foop



It depends on where you're at man. This is a small town where people just aren't like they are in big cities. Trust me. I've lived in the city too. I mean theres a lot of bad rural areas too. But around here you can pretty much trust eating fast food.


Plus you can see them making it anyway. it's no big deal.

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It depends on where you're at man. This is a small town where people just aren't like they are in big cities. Trust me. I've lived in the city too. I mean theres a lot of bad rural areas too. But around here you can pretty much trust eating fast food.

Plus you can see them making it anyway. it's no big deal.


Plus, you could always threaten to take your Big Mac down the forensics lab and test it for human DNA, promising to come back and tazer everyone 'til they shat themselves if it came up positive! :idea:

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Plus, you could always threaten to take your Big Mac down the forensics lab and test it for human DNA, promising to come back and tazer everyone 'til they shat themselves if it came up positive!


Well, it's been a very long time since I've eaten fast food. I eat really healthy so it's a very rare thing for me to eat there.

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