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When the happy write sad songs :(


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I consider myself a happy person. I consider myself to have it "made" in many aspects of my life. But why is it that, lately, I'm writing unhappy sounding music?


My latest, "Being Yourself," is probably the saddest I've written. And I don't know why. I just began jamming and it all came together. I recorded it, liked how it turned out and would like to share it with you all.


Link: http://soundclick.com/share?songid=9058876


Maybe it's a subconscious thing? I've no clue. But when I write music like this, my fiancee always asks if there's something wrong, or if it's about her, haha. I've assured her none of my music is about her (not yet, anyway).


For those interested: I recorded it with my Yamaha LS6, into a Zoom H2 and Garageband. I added some vocal effects for "something different." The clanking you hear in the background from time-to-time are window blinds being pushed around by wind. Since I had just intended this to be a demo for myself only, I didn't think to close the patio door. But, here you go anyway.


Do you find yourself writing sad tunes, even though you feel happy?


Any and all criticisms, thoughts and funny faces are welcome! :D Thanks, all.

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I like it. It doesn't seem sad as much as calling out someone. But anyway...


Yeah, I always write things that have nothing to do with my current state. My marriage is going great and I write "Give Me a Kiss Before You Leave Me".


Sure, why not? If it comes to you, you write it. Right?

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I think for most song writer types the songs they write are their way of making sense of the world. Most tend to have a pretty bleak outlook of this rock we call earth.


It took me being married for a few years to write a quality happy/sweet song about my wife. It wasnt that I was unhappy with her, even though she didnt always believe me, it had more to do with the fact that I write songs because I have to. I use the process as therapy instead of going to a shrink, although that probably wouldnt be a bad idea.


Eventually the wife got that.

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I think good songs come from deep within the sometimes uncharted regions of our consciousness.


Lee....you may think you are writing independently of your state of mind, but there may be more layers to that particular onion than even you are aware of.


I actually believe that we are trying to make sense of things in this world when we write......like a tropical storm is balancing out the atmosphere, perhaps we as songwriters are doing the same with our untapped and unrealized emotions.


Wow. That's too deep.;)


I like this tune also. There is something about it that made me a bit introspective. Love to hear it become more developed.


Keep the blinds thing if you can......adds something elusive yet very real.

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Lee....you may think you are writing independently of your state of mind, but there may be more layers to that particular onion than even you are aware of.



I guess you're right. I said,"I always write things that have nothing to do with my current state". As you point out Leo, it isn't independent of my current state, rather... It isn't dependent on it. Meaning, and this only semantics trying to make sense out life, meaning, if I'm "sad" I can easily write a happy song. If I'm mad, it's not a stretch to get an inspiration to write a loving song.


We're all things at once sometimes. My point is, it doesn't have to seem incongruous to write something that seems contradictory to what you perceive as your current state of mind.


Or something like that.

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If I could only write in either major or minor, i'd stick to minor. Sad/ melancholy music is more evocative and transfixing - and definitely not necessarily depressing. There's so much comfort in melancholy.



But when I write music like this, my fiancee always asks if there's something wrong, or if it's about her



Same here.



Do you find yourself writing sad tunes, even though you feel happy?



Yes, definitely. As already pointed out here, the current state of mind may or may not influence the writing. There is the subconscious but there is also a choise

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Thanks for the responses. It's great reading how other songwriters perceive their own methods and mentality when it comes to their music and lyrics.



I like it. It doesn't seem sad as much as calling out someone. But anyway...



I'm not calling anyone out, even though it's something I considered maybe I was doing. To me, the song is about addiction and enabling. Everyone's addicted to something, I suppose. So hopefully everyone can relate to it.


"I don't wanna buy another guitar, dammit Harmony Central Acoustic Forums!"


Addicted ^.......................................... Enabler ^...................................


That kind of thing.

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This is VERY ironic. I'm generally a sad person, but I tend to write happy songs. Or more specifically, songs that border along the middle with a hopefulness to someday step over to the happy side. lol. if that even makes sense XD


btw, just listened to your "being yourself". I'm loving it. heh :)

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I think I'm drawn to write melancholy stories about disenchanted people -- drunks, loners. Maybe more who I used to be than am now. I spent a couple years more on the fringe, though now I'm pretty thorough entrenched in a middle class lifestyle, it's a bit of homage to my old ways and hard times, though I'm pretty far from the street these days.


I'm also drawn to opposites, a happy little ditty with sad lyrics, or happy lyrics to a sad ditty.

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Dude... Music is the voice, the language of the soul... You're a sad person trapped in a happy person's body? You need to come out of the closet and accept yourself for who you are.


Actually, when I just listened to this again? It was speaking to me... Don't get me wrong? The performance and recording still suck? But I think the song could become something.

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Maybe when your happy, its more comfortable for you to ponder the more sadder aspects of life. If you were actually sad/depressed, it would be harder to use that emotion as a motivational tool to write music.


I had a bad few years where i couldnt even write music, i didnt even want to.

But once i recovered mentally and emotionally, i was able write again.

No doubt some of the songs were sad, but i could write them because i was happy.


Theres no doubt though that some peoples music is just naturally more melancholic. It doesnt mean they are sad though. Like wise some peoples music is happy and chirpy, yet underneath they are broken. Maybe writing happy songs, is an act of in-denial or an attempt to fix what is making them sad.


Who knows!



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I consider myself a happy person. I consider myself to have it "made" in many aspects of my life. But why is it that, lately, I'm writing unhappy sounding music?

My latest, "Being Yourself," is probably the saddest I've written. And I don't know why. I just began jamming and it all came together. I recorded it, liked how it turned out and would like to share it with you all.


Maybe it's a subconscious thing? I've no clue. But when I write music like this, my fiancee always asks if there's something wrong, or if it's about her, haha. I've assured her none of my music is about her (not yet, anyway).

For those interested: I recorded it with my Yamaha LS6, into a Zoom H2 and Garageband. I added some vocal effects for "something different." The clanking you hear in the background from time-to-time are window blinds being pushed around by wind. Since I had just intended this to be a demo for myself only, I didn't think to close the patio door. But, here you go anyway.

Do you find yourself writing sad tunes, even though you feel happy?

Any and all criticisms, thoughts and funny faces are welcome!
Thanks, all.



secrecy in your words are the true secrecy of your thoughts, remember that when you sit down and have the guitar in your hand and you say "its time to write that great song" knowing this let's you understand the foundation of being a songwriter

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