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State trooper vs emt. Part 2. the cop dash cam


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you're a dumbass



Well the emt should run code in an emergency. Since they were not running code, we can assume that they had no emergency and should have yielded to the officer instead of driving around another car that was yielding properly and flipping the trooper off..


The trooper should have allowed the emts to transport the non-emergency patient before attempting to take an emt into custody. His attempt could have escalated the patients condition.



So.. it's pretty clear that both the emt and the officer were in the wrong.

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Officer should be fired. The mother {censored}er obviously can't handle the job. But people do make it hard for the cops. I handle my job well and am being sued right now. Oh well. No matter how nice you are someone always wants to sue ya.


But anyway I guess it got to him and he can't handle it. So {censored} him fire him.


The emt's should have been running code. it seems kinda stupid that they weren't. They always do here no matter if it's something minor or something serious.


Out of all the people doing traffic violations the trooper got cocky and said, "This emt think's he doesn't have to go by the law." Meanwhile this trooper probably drives 80 miles an hour everywhere and insist that it's okay for him to do it because cops don't give other cops speeding tickets and he knows how to handle the speed.


EMT is not to blame here although they should have been running code.

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Its plain and simple the EMT was in the wrong, unless an ambulance is runnin to a call it is not in an emergency and it has to yeild to emergency vehicles(cops/firetrucks) like any other vehicle out there. Transporting a patient is NOT an emergency. When a cop pulls up to a vehicle you are to yeild to him, pull over to the side of the shoulder and let him pass. Its simple and in every drivers ed manual, regardless if your driving a ambulance or firetruck.

When you are pulled over by a cop your are to SIT IN THE VEHICLE and await instructions from the officer. You SHOULD NOT get out of the vehicle and yell at the cop. Just because the EMT was a supervisor means nothing in the court of law. He is merely another EMT and he is not enforcing law, he has no power to push and will have to answer to a cop regardless if hes on a call or not. The fact that he was just transporting a patient makes him look even more of an jerk on a power trip. Its pretty clear that the way he jumped out of the bus in an aggravated manner and posturing did not help, that is the number one reason why cops get killed or have to defend themselves with force. I guess until your a cop you won't realize how bad things can get in a situation like that, but if you watch any dash cam video when either a suspect or officer that gets shot its mostly because the suspect jumped out of the vehicle in an aggressive manner which suggests harm to the officer.

Regardless if you think the cop was a jerk, he was 100% in the right no matter what you want to say, and its clear as day in any driver ed book. The funny thing is the cop could have been nice and let the guy go by and blow off the minor traffic infraction once he spoke to the driver but the supervisor never gave him the chance. I doubt the cop wanted to deal with paperwork but once a suspect becomes aggressive like the supervisor was you cannot let it slide or it can end badly for the officer.

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As a EMT-Paramedic in TX, no matter where I worked EMS has normally had a good relationship with Police/SO/HP. From the looks of the PD cam, it appeared that the trooper followed too closely and completely disregarded the EMS units total line of sight. There's a reason why people are not advised to follow ambulances, and fire engines closely, because it is difficult to see a vehicle rapidly approaching from behind.

As for not transporting code 3? I don't know what the patient's chief complaint was, nor does is really matter. In many parts of the country it is a crime to interfere with patient care. I can recall a county I once worked for that when transporting patients with active MI's (heart attacks) to avoid code 3 transports in order to help adding further stress on an otherwise un-healthy heart needing definitive care.

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Its plain and simple the EMT was in the wrong, unless an ambulance is runnin to a call it is not in an emergency and it has to yeild to emergency vehicles(cops/firetrucks) like any other vehicle out there. Transporting a patient is NOT an emergency. When a cop pulls up to a vehicle you are to yeild to him, pull over to the side of the shoulder and let him pass. Its simple and in every drivers ed manual, regardless if your driving a ambulance or firetruck.

When you are pulled over by a cop your are to SIT IN THE VEHICLE and await instructions from the officer. You SHOULD NOT get out of the vehicle and yell at the cop. Just because the EMT was a supervisor means nothing in the court of law. He is merely another EMT and he is not enforcing law, he has no power to push and will have to answer to a cop regardless if hes on a call or not. The fact that he was just transporting a patient makes him look even more of an jerk on a power trip. Its pretty clear that the way he jumped out of the bus in an aggravated manner and posturing did not help, that is the number one reason why cops get killed or have to defend themselves with force. I guess until your a cop you won't realize how bad things can get in a situation like that, but if you watch any dash cam video when either a suspect or officer that gets shot its mostly because the suspect jumped out of the vehicle in an aggressive manner which suggests harm to the officer.

Regardless if you think the cop was a jerk, he was 100% in the right no matter what you want to say, and its clear as day in any driver ed book. The funny thing is the cop could have been nice and let the guy go by and blow off the minor traffic infraction once he spoke to the driver but the supervisor never gave him the chance. I doubt the cop wanted to deal with paperwork but once a suspect becomes aggressive like the supervisor was you cannot let it slide or it can end badly for the officer.



They had a patient inside and he was getting hot headed over nothing dude. They should have been running code. They were in the wrong on that. But it appears like that trooper had a hot head and was mad about something.


Someone told me he had just got back from Iraq and had some stress from some stuff he did in war. Don't know if that's true and I honestly don't care enough to look it up. But if so that would explain some of it.


I can only imagine how mad this guy gets when someone is going 80 in a 65. He probably almost had a heart attack.


Of course the supervisor EMT was pissed. HE HAD A PATIENT IN THERE. I mean he cared about the patient and wise like dude we got to go.

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They had a patient inside and he was getting hot headed over nothing dude. They should have been running code. They were in the wrong on that. But it appears like that trooper had a hot head and was mad about something.

Someone told me he had just got back from Iraq and had some stress from some stuff he did in war. Don't know if that's true and I honestly don't care enough to look it up. But if so that would explain some of it.

I can only imagine how mad this guy gets when someone is going 80 in a 65. He probably almost had a heart attack.

Of course the supervisor EMT was pissed. HE HAD A PATIENT IN THERE. I mean he cared about the patient and wise like dude we got to go.



No maybe things are different where you are, but here its a plain and simple no. I agree with everything the cop did, he only got upset when the guy got out of the vehicle which is warranted. I think he was plenty patient until the supervisor started bossing the cop around, and at that point it could become a major issue of safety being out manned 2-1.


If you notice he gets out of his car and wasn't yelling at all, he instructed the driver to "come out here now" in a stern voice so he could speak to him about "failing to yeild" and giving him a "gesture" and when the supervisor got out he instructed him to go back inside. Then the supervisor told the cop "no"(strike 1) and in all honesty do you think the cops gonna listen to a EMT?


So upon failure to comply to the officers instructions hes guilty of "disorderly conduct" its simple. So when the cop tells the driver to step over to his car to separate the two suspects, they both say "no". Disorderly again (strike 2) The supervisor says theres a patient in the van which is all good and fine which the cop had no problem with, they complain about the cop passing them. But If you watch him driving he was behind the bus for about a 1/4 mile before he was allowed to pass, which is valuable time that even the EMTs should know. Then I think the bus driver gave him the finger or something when they passed by.


Things DID NOT GET PHYSICAL TILL THE SUPERVISOR PUT HIS HANDS ON THE COP at 3.05. Any time you put your hands on an officer its considered "assault on an officer". STRIKE 3 and hes out. Then if you realize the cops out matched about 4or5 -1. Which at that point is where things can get dangerous. Regardless if its an EMT or not you cannot be sure what someone is going to do in a stressful situation. The cop gave them plenty of chances to comply and I think he was way to lenient and should have been more forceful. He should have cuffed the belligerent supervisor and defused the situation but I think he was trying to keep things somewhat civil and didn't want to honestly arrest him he just wanted the supervisor in the bus and was threatening him with arrest to make him do so. Either way at 4.50 the EMTs wanted to leave and the officer said "no your not running code" and they realized that, because at that point they're not an emergency vehicle they are basically transporting / being a taxi service and they have to obey traffic rules like any other vehicle.


Maybe things are different where you live but here in New York you don't pull stupid {censored} like that, the NYPD has had tons of problems with aggravated suspects that become violent which leads to a shooting which then leads to Sharpton coming out. Thats why here you do everything as instructed when instructed and chances are most of the time if your courteous they're courteous back. No officer wants to have an altercation and most really just want you to acknowledge what you did was wrong and go on their way. I honestly think the EMT should have taken the ticket like a man and then proceeded on his call a ticket wouldn't have taken as long as that whole scuffle. My family is mixed between Firefighters, Cops and EMTs, and at no point would any of the ones that are emts or firefighters question a cops word or tell the cop "no" to every single command. Thats just plain stupid.

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The cop was definately wrong. I never heard him once ask what the emergency was or the patients status/condition. If he arrested the paramedic, who is going to care for the patient? All he had to do was follow them to the hospital until the patient was safely turned over, then he could arrest whoever or give them a ticket. The cop turned the whole thing into a circus. He jumped out of his car yelling and screaming, getting in everyones face, cussing, jabbing his finger in the guys face, until he got a whole crowd gathered around. Everyone is in the middle of the road, people are going in and out of the ambulance. I could only imagine what the patient is thinking. The patient should have been given top priority and the cop disregarded her condition. I don't have a problem with the driver being given a ticket but the cop handled the whole situation like a stressed out hot head instead of being calm and level headed.

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Its plain and simple the EMT was in the wrong, unless an ambulance is runnin to a call it is not in an emergency and it has to yeild to emergency vehicles(cops/firetrucks) like any other vehicle out there. Transporting a patient is NOT an emergency. When a cop pulls up to a vehicle you are to yeild to him, pull over to the side of the shoulder and let him pass. Its simple and in every drivers ed manual, regardless if your driving a ambulance or firetruck.

When you are pulled over by a cop your are to SIT IN THE VEHICLE and await instructions from the officer. You SHOULD NOT get out of the vehicle and yell at the cop. Just because the EMT was a supervisor means nothing in the court of law. He is merely another EMT and he is not enforcing law, he has no power to push and will have to answer to a cop regardless if hes on a call or not. The fact that he was just transporting a patient makes him look even more of an jerk on a power trip. Its pretty clear that the way he jumped out of the bus in an aggravated manner and posturing did not help, that is the number one reason why cops get killed or have to defend themselves with force. I guess until your a cop you won't realize how bad things can get in a situation like that, but if you watch any dash cam video when either a suspect or officer that gets shot its mostly because the suspect jumped out of the vehicle in an aggressive manner which suggests harm to the officer.

Regardless if you think the cop was a jerk, he was 100% in the right no matter what you want to say, and its clear as day in any driver ed book. The funny thing is the cop could have been nice and let the guy go by and blow off the minor traffic infraction once he spoke to the driver but the supervisor never gave him the chance. I doubt the cop wanted to deal with paperwork but once a suspect becomes aggressive like the supervisor was you cannot let it slide or it can end badly for the officer.



The EMT was in no way aggressive to warrant a choking, and that officer got out of the car ready to blow his stack. The EMT vehicle couldn't pull over to the shoulder at first because there is a car stalled or broken down there, but they did get over when they got past it. That cop came up at a crazy speed right on them, too. I'm sure the EMT didn't handle it the best way, but there is no way you can absolve the trooper of his psychotic episode.

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Its plain and simple the EMT was in the wrong, unless an ambulance is runnin to a call it is not in an emergency and it has to yeild to emergency vehicles(cops/firetrucks) like any other vehicle out there. Transporting a patient is NOT an emergency. When a cop pulls up to a vehicle you are to yeild to him, pull over to the side of the shoulder and let him pass. Its simple and in every drivers ed manual, regardless if your driving a ambulance or firetruck.

When you are pulled over by a cop your are to SIT IN THE VEHICLE and await instructions from the officer. You SHOULD NOT get out of the vehicle and yell at the cop. Just because the EMT was a supervisor means nothing in the court of law. He is merely another EMT and he is not enforcing law, he has no power to push and will have to answer to a cop regardless if hes on a call or not. The fact that he was just transporting a patient makes him look even more of an jerk on a power trip. Its pretty clear that the way he jumped out of the bus in an aggravated manner and posturing did not help, that is the number one reason why cops get killed or have to defend themselves with force. I guess until your a cop you won't realize how bad things can get in a situation like that, but if you watch any dash cam video when either a suspect or officer that gets shot its mostly because the suspect jumped out of the vehicle in an aggressive manner which suggests harm to the officer.

Regardless if you think the cop was a jerk, he was 100% in the right no matter what you want to say, and its clear as day in any driver ed book. The funny thing is the cop could have been nice and let the guy go by and blow off the minor traffic infraction once he spoke to the driver but the supervisor never gave him the chance
. I doubt the cop wanted to deal with paperwork but once a suspect becomes aggressive like the supervisor was you cannot let it slide or it can end badly for the officer.




The cop started screaming as soon as he got out of the car. He started screaming at the driver about an unsubstantiated hand gesture. For the record even if the hand gesture had occurred there's no law against flicking off a cop.

This cop went into the situation on personal business right from the beginning, he was never going to be nice about it. Also it is clear that the cop is the first one to become aggressive. Hell he's aggressive the moment he gets out of the car. The way he acted you'd have thought he just pulled over heroine smugglers.

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The cop was definately wrong. I never heard him once ask what the emergency was or the patients status/condition. If he arrested the paramedic, who is going to care for the patient? All he had to do was follow them to the hospital until the patient was safely turned over, then he could arrest whoever or give them a ticket. The cop turned the whole thing into a circus. He jumped out of his car yelling and screaming, getting in everyones face, cussing, jabbing his finger in the guys face, until he got a whole crowd gathered around. Everyone is in the middle of the road, people are going in and out of the ambulance. I could only imagine what the patient is thinking. The patient should have been given top priority and the cop disregarded her condition. I don't have a problem with the driver being given a ticket but the cop handled the whole situation like a stressed out hot head instead of being calm and level headed.




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Ugh. What is this cop's problem. I can see him treating an average person this way, but an ambulance driver with a patient in the back? What a douche. If that was my wife in the back and she needed to get to the hospital, it would not turn out well for me. I will just say that.

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This trooper got fired just for this. So this other guy should get fired. I mean Christ.

It's protocol to get out with your gun out and scream for someone to get out of the car in some places. NO matter their age or whatever. But once you realize who it is and what the situation is you can calm down some.

I seen a new video where some old lady had to ride the lightning but she was cussing him out and everything. I guess this guy in this video had no taser.

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This trooper got fired just for this. So this other guy should get fired. I mean Christ.

It's protocol to get out with your gun out and scream for someone to get out of the car in some places. NO matter their age or whatever. But once you realize who it is and what the situation is you can calm down some.

I seen a new video where some old lady had to ride the lightning but she was cussing him out and everything. I guess this guy in this video had no taser.




{censored} like that just makes my head explode.

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{censored} like that just makes my head explode.



Yep... Unfortuantely most police officers will never go against another no matter if they are wrong or not. I am not like that.


Let me tell you. I just worked an 8 hour shift yesterday and it was one of the worst days I've ever had. I was very nice to people and I had two people lie on me and call the feds on me and my chief. I gave one old lady a ticket for going 87 in a 65 and she went freaking crazy on me. I almost arrested her for disorderly.


The next guy was just getting a seatbelt ticket and he cussed me out and I told him if he kept on he was going to jail.


So he called the ABI and said that I said I was going to take him to jail every single time I saw him and that he did have his seat belt on.


Still after all I go through I still don't treat people badly. Most people thank me for being so cool to them but of course theres some people who hate the police and want to sue over everything.


So I'm now being sued. I try not to let it stress me out. But I believe most of these officers have dealt with people like I have a lot and they just can't handle it after a while. And I think that's when you need to get out of the job. If you can't handle it.


They tell you in the academy if you haven't been sued atleast once you aren't doing your job.

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Yep... Unfortuantely most police officers will never go against another no matter if they are wrong or not. I am not like that.

Let me tell you. I just worked an 8 hour shift yesterday and it was one of the worst days I've ever had. I was very nice to people and I had two people lie on me and call the feds on me and my chief. I gave one old lady a ticket for going 87 in a 65 and she went freaking crazy on me. I almost arrested her for disorderly.

The next guy was just getting a seatbelt ticket and he cussed me out and I told him if he kept on he was going to jail.

So he called the ABI and said that I said I was going to take him to jail every single time I saw him and that he did have his seat belt on.

Still after all I go through I still don't treat people badly. Most people thank me for being so cool to them but of course theres some people who hate the police and want to sue over everything.

So I'm now being sued. I try not to let it stress me out. But I believe most of these officers have dealt with people like I have a lot and they just can't handle it after a while. And I think that's when you need to get out of the job. If you can't handle it.

They tell you in the academy if you haven't been sued atleast once you aren't doing your job.




That sucks man. There are lots of useless sacks of {censored} out there, in and out of uniform.

Hope your case ends well for you.

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