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Looking to team up with a songwriter....


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What kind of music are you looking to sing?



I have a pretty wide background from Classical to Country to Funk Rock/Disco. But I think my voice is best showcased singing Country. I don't have a heavy country twang but it's there so I'm told.


I'll get some recordings up tonight, but I'm at work right now.

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Can you come up with lyrics or melodies?


There was somebody here, I dont remember who, who was posting a few weeks (?) ago that said they had all kind of songs but couldnt sing. They were looking for a singer to work with. You might try digging through some older threads to see if you can find them. Good luck

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Can you come up with lyrics or melodies?

There was somebody here, I dont remember who, who was posting a few weeks (?) ago that said they had all kind of songs but couldnt sing. They were looking for a singer to work with. You might try digging through some older threads to see if you can find them. Good luck



Thanks for the tip. I have written songs before. But I only have one that I feel is worthy of putting much effort into. I can come up with lyrics and melodies once I get the ball rolling, but I think teaming up with someone would make me much more productive.

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Thanks for the tip. I have written songs before. But I only have one that I feel is worthy of putting much effort into. I can come up with lyrics and melodies once I get the ball rolling, but I think teaming up with someone would make me much more productive.



Having someone to collaborate with can be inspirational but can be difficult to make happen. I went back to all the pages and didnt find the post. Maybe it's in an archive somewhere and blue can did it out?


It's probably going to be difficult for you to make this happen via the internet if you dont have some basic recording software. I hear garage band on the new iPad is supposed to be awesome, but if you're like me you dont have $800 to drop on one. There is some share ware like Reaper that you can use. Others here and also in the recording forums could probably point you in the right direction, but I really think you are going to need it.

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