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Combo for gigging


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I'm getting tired of moving my 4x12 + head from gig to gig, secondly, some gigs are really small and the 4x12 is overkill. I think i want a 2x12 combo.


I need two channels, FX-Loop, Great cleans and chunky, fat distortion with good low-end (not too bright). Must to be plenty loud to be heard without PA and sound huge.


Things I'm considering:

Orange Rockerverb 50 Combo

Mesa Electra Dyne 2x12


Feel free to suggest other amps.

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I'm getting tired of moving my 4x12 + head from gig to gig, secondly, some gigs are really small and the 4x12 is overkill. I think i want a 2x12 combo.

I need two channels, FX-Loop, Great cleans and chunky, fat distortion with good low-end (not too bright).
Must to be plenty loud to be heard without PA and sound huge.

Things I'm considering:

Orange Rockerverb 50 Combo

Mesa Electra Dyne 2x12

Feel free to suggest other amps.



That will be difficult without a 4x12.

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My 212s sound as 'big', if not 'bigger', than a lot of 412s I've heard and played through.



My 2x12 open back combo sounds "big" to me because it has volume everywhere. It fills a small-medium size room better than a 4x12..because there is sound everywhere onstage and in room. Large rooms need mic'd (generally) no matter what kind of rig you have.

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My 2x12 open back combo sounds "big" to me because it has volume everywhere. It fills a small-medium size room better than a 4x12..because there is sound everywhere onstage and in room. Large rooms need mic'd (generally) no matter what kind of rig you have.

I read this 3 times and still have no clue what you are saying. :confused:

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I read this 3 times and still have no clue what you are saying.

It's really very simple. And this is MHO of course.

a 4x12 cab has a sort of "laser beam" effect. That's why some people like them. My 2x12 combo spreads sound from the front AND back. In fact...at loud gigs, I often mic from the back. Sound coming from the front AND back and spreading around = bigger...to me.

A drummer in one of the bands I was in commented on it. I had tried a 4x12 for awhile, and he said he couldn't hear me as well. I figured out that he was used to hearing a lot of me from the back of my amp. Then I started taking notice. I'd walk around the stage and see where I could hear myself best. If I set up in a corner...I had the sound reverberating all around. If it was a very big stage and I could walk around...I'd hear myself better around the stage with an open back combo.

The open back combo DEFINITELY spread sound around MUCH better...hence...sounds "bigger".....when not standing in a very certain place, like right in front of a 4x12. If your into that kind of thing.

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