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lol - Nokia suing Apple


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Its not only the OS that is the difference between a Mac and a PC. PCs run at 20 clock cycles per operation. Macs run at only 7 clock cycles per operation. That is a big reason Macs are faster.

Also, a Mac runs and operates in windows faster than a PC does.


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Its not only the OS that is the difference between a Mac and a PC. PCs run at 20 clock cycles per operation. Macs run at only 7 clock cycles per operation. That is a big reason Macs are faster.

Also, a Mac runs and operates in windows faster than a PC does.

Dude...can I have some of what you are smoking??? (Unless this is sarcasm) :D

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Its not only the OS that is the difference between a Mac and a PC. PCs run at 20 clock cycles per operation. Macs run at only 7 clock cycles per operation. That is a big reason Macs are faster.

Also, a Mac runs and operates in windows faster than a PC does.

So much fail in one post. :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

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Right, they use extra special awesome Core Duos, my bad. And SuperDDR RAM as well.

I love your argument throughout this entire post. You sound like a immature PC fanboy trying to justify to his Apple-buying friends why your choice was 'better'.

If you don't have a real reason why Apple is 'evil' then stop.

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Its not only the OS that is the difference between a Mac and a PC. PCs run at 20 clock cycles per operation. Macs run at only 7 clock cycles per operation. That is a big reason Macs are faster.

Also, a Mac runs and operates in windows faster than a PC does.



HOLY {censored}

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I love your argument throughout this entire post. You sound like a immature PC fanboy trying to justify to his Apple-buying friends why your choice was 'better'.

If you don't have a real reason why Apple is 'evil' then stop.




They are greedy, extremely greedy...milking their loyal supporters as much as possible. e.g. iPhone OS updates aren't free for iPod Touch users and releasing marginally better hardware that tries to coax people to upgrade



Everything Apple makes has a high profit margin and has a price floor set by Apple. e.g. $2000 Macbook Pro is the equivalent of a $1200 Dell and you don't really ever see things go on sale.



They're anticapitalistic and antifreemarket. e.g. Banning of Google Voice from the app market because it was a threat to Apple. Competition is a good thing, it is the American way.



Straight up lying. They told the FCC one thing and Google another. Search around for it, many articles talking about it recently as it's still on going. Obviously Apple did something wrong if the FCC wants to hear the story



Apple fights battles with lawsuits and tries to make things that can't be copyright theirs. e.g. Apple suing MS and HP and the court ruling against Apple.
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Like it or not, Apple is operating in the same cut-throat manner that Microsoft used to! It just happens that MS has actually put some work into producing a very good operating system in Windows 7... maybe Apple should work on some of its own technology?



You bet MS put some work into their CORE product. Remember, before Xboxes and Zunes and Office software their original flagship product has always been their PC desktop Operating System software.


Which, BTW they've allowed to lax while other competing platforms have began to take hold of the market. They better put some work into it, their entire PC business is dependent on their next OS NOT being another Vista in the marketplace.


O and 'Apple should be working on their technologies'? Yeah I don't know, especially when a lot of Vista's features were lifted from as far back as OS X 10.2, so, I don't think Apple has to 'work' on anything.

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  • They are greedy..

    Instead of copying and pasting your previous posts, you should really be scrolling up and actually reading my post.


    I'm not even going to go into some BS argument about who's evil. I didn't know there were people who could completely decide the moral fibers of a company. If you really want to get into who's 'evil', I think Apple is one of last organizations (Private or Public) that I'd think of.


    You obviously sound like someone who hasn't used one as their everyday computer, and you obviously sound like someone who has no idea about the computer market and how prices work. O yeah, you could get Apple stuff on sale, the same exact way you could get your Dell for $1200 or $800 or $600, when something faster and more expensive comes out. ;)

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    Watch out, you butthurt is showing. Insulting someone doesn't prove your point. :lol:


    And I have used Macs on a daily basis for about a year, sorry to burst your bubble. OSX is not superior to Windows 7, sorry to hurt your feelings. As for getting Macs on sale, I very rarely see them on sale. Even when I have seen them on sale, they are still overpriced comparing to a similarly spec'd PC.

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    Watch out, you butthurt is showing. Insulting someone doesn't prove your point.

    And I have used Macs on a daily basis for about a year, sorry to burst your bubble. OSX is not superior to Windows 7, sorry to hurt your feelings. As for getting Macs on sale, I very rarely see them on sale. Even when I
    seen them on sale, they are still overpriced comparing to a similarly spec'd PC.

    Again, you're trying to make this into a 'who has the better OS here' argument. Who cares. I never said OS X is better than Windows. In fact, i love them both, and they are both completely different tools for different jobs.

    I don't know where you're finding them, but the $1200 Dell is still similar to a $1200 Macintosh specwise.

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    Don't care. They make superior products. I will continue to buy them.

    Try running ProTools on a Mac and a PC side by side with the same processor speeds and same ram. Get 48 tracks running on both machines with plugins on every channel. The Mac will absolutely blow away the PC.



    thats rubbish - i can attest to that first hand - and i know several others who did not build studios around apple hardware preciseley because this argument is nonsense.


    please post your figures proving this aswell - because i have yet to see a shred of proof supporting this argument.

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    Instead of copying and pasting your previous posts, you should really be scrolling up and actually reading my post.

    I'm not even going to go into some BS argument about who's evil. I didn't know there were people who could completely decide the moral fibers of a company. If you really want to get into who's 'evil', I think Apple is one of last organizations (Private or Public) that I'd think of.

    You obviously sound like someone who hasn't used one as their everyday computer, and you obviously sound like someone who has no idea about the computer market and how prices work. O yeah, you could get Apple stuff on sale, the same exact way you could get your Dell for $1200 or $800 or $600, when something faster and more expensive comes out.

    the fact you dont think of EVIL when you hear apple - means the whole progressive image thing has worked wonders on you. You might want to look into ipod manufacture for starters - and then move on from there. Apple are nasty - even moreso because they want you to think they are the only ones who arent

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    Its not only the OS that is the difference between a Mac and a PC. PCs run at 20 clock cycles per operation. Macs run at only 7 clock cycles per operation. That is a big reason Macs are faster.

    Also, a Mac runs and operates in windows faster than a PC does.



    whoa - i actually feel bad for arguing with you now

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    Why do so many recording studios use Macs? There's gotta be a reason.



    Same reason so many graphic design and publishing firms use them... they became the industry standard a long time ago when pc's either couldn't run the programs or couldn't run them as well. People don't like change so they've continued to use macs all these years.


    A nicely built PC will run any cross-platform software just as well as any mac.

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