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lol - Nokia suing Apple


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I found windows fine as a general user for home, games, porn and the odd document. But Mac is a better business tool. Far more reliable and simply works better.




Ah so that's why 99% of business use windows machines to work with... The odd document!? Really? Is THAT what Microsoft Office is for? I never would have imagined!


Would you like to post some evidence that Macs are more reliable business machines? I'm very interested.


Here's one for you... What does nearly EVERY Macintosh user have installed at some point? Bootcamp to boot to Windows XP... hmmmm... now why is it that (as far as I know) there aren't swathes of windows users wanting bootcamp for PC to boot to OSX... I mean, does that even exist? You know why I don't know? Because I can do everything I need in Windows, or I should just say, -EVERYTHING-...




Bam Bam Bam!


Now take your overpriced washing machine and go look for something to do on it. I wonder... will it be write the odd document? Surf the web?

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Ah so that's why 99% of business use windows machines to work with... The odd document!? Really? Is THAT what Microsoft Office is for? I never would have imagined!

Would you like to post some evidence that Macs are more reliable business machines? I'm very interested.

Here's one for you... What does nearly EVERY Macintosh user have installed at some point? Bootcamp to boot to Windows XP... hmmmm... now why is it that (as far as I know) there aren't swathes of windows users wanting bootcamp for PC to boot to OSX... I mean, does that even exist? You know why I don't know? Because I can do everything I need in Windows, or I should just say, -EVERYTHING-...


Bam Bam Bam!

Now take your overpriced washing machine and go look for something to do on it. I wonder... will it be write the odd document? Surf the web?



This. I cant remember the last time I saw a mac in a place of business. Its all Dell. The last mac I saw outside of my friends hands was in my senior year we got a bunch of those goofy iMacs with the colored shells. :lol:

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What's most annoying about the whole debate is the popular myths that have spring up around these things being repeated over and over again like mantra on both sides of the argument...it really is tiresome fanboy trash.

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In reality, I was firmly in the anti MS camp until a few years ago. I still feel that Windows as an OS needs big improvements. I have Win 7 and I can already point out plenty of niggles I have with it.

To be really honest, I'd be happy working on either PC or a Mac. The fact of the matter is that hardware and software is cheaper and far more plentiful on a PC and the expensive apple counterpart offers little to no difference, be it better or worse.

I just don't see the sense in apple other than to be trendy or priggish. And I have found that a clear cross section of Mac fanboys are exactly that.

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Exactly. Both have practical applications. I used Apple primarily when I was training to be an animator/ sequential artist for all of my multimedia editing and now I use Windows for casual use since I don't need those tools. My fiance now uses the Mac for her photography.

It's all noise.


In reality, I was firmly in the anti MS camp until a few years ago. I still feel that Windows as an OS needs big improvements. I have Win 7 and I can already point out plenty of niggles I have with it.

To be really honest, I'd be happy working on either PC or a Mac. The fact of the matter is that hardware and software is cheaper and far more plentiful on a PC and the expensive apple counterpart offers little to no difference, be it better or worse.

I just don't see the sense in apple other than to be trendy or priggish. And I have found that a clear cross section of Mac fanboys are exactly that.


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Why are they used in studios? cuz they have since daw recording started. Probably a Core reason.

Can a Win system perform in a studio? sure it could. If you used a PC as an audio only system it would handle very well.

What most MAC people fail to realize is that studios and business specifically use a Mac for one thing. Audio or Video/Photo.

In our video depts at my prev employer I watched editing teams piss and moan constantly about their mac crashing. On the other side, the windows guys were doing the same. I own both and am not a fanbois of either

I won't repeat my costs on fixing Mac's rant.

To the Orig Topic- Nokia has a good case

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