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I Don't Like PEAS!

Lee Knight

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So, first draft of Stick's Children's Song Challenge.


One of my heroes is Shel Silverstein. And he's... so... well, deeper than this below. Is this enough for a kid's tune? Any more layered and it gets too much for kids. Maybe it already is. Maybe not deep enough. I'm thinking 5 year olds here. Shel... he had skills. Lots of layers and yet it hit kids right between the eyes. Their parents too. Is the language too wordy or adult?


So, comments? I'd like to start working the music soon...



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And grandpa says

I eat my peas with honey

I've done it all my life

It makes the peas taste funny

But it keeps them on my knife



Nice! I'm actually going for a little kid empowerment. A little covert kid action. I wish I was big and could do whatever I wanted. I don't like 'em. I don't. Honey's not going to fix it. I draw the line at peas. Don't tell about the dog. Shhh...

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...but you need ketchup in there somewhere.



OK. Kid freestylee at the end:


But... my dog does... shhhh.... tomatoes are supposed to be realllly good for you too, and guess what I put on my french fries??? Ketchup. And guess what ketchup is made out of... go ahead guess... like spaghetti sauce...I'll tell you if you don't know but try and guess...


...eeww. No.... not PEAS!

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Ketchup, as Mr. Reagan kindly informed me, is also a vegetable.


I had to look this one up.

Wiki says :


In 1981, the United States Congress under the Reagan administration ordered the United States Department of Agriculture to issue new standards for federally financed school lunch programs, which would enable schools to economize; one of the USDA's proposals was to classify ketchup as a vegetable. The suggestion was widely ridiculed and the proposal was dropped.

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