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SOT: Will this interface have latency?


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So my band's ready to record a 5 song demo and maybe 2 covers for CD's to pass out at shows and to have decent recordings on our Myspace.

So, a few questions.

4 mics is enough for a drumset if we do one snare, one bass, and two overheads right? And since it's a USB interface we can assign each to a different channel in Reaper to make EQ'ing easier?

Since it's USB will it give me much latency? That's my biggest problem I HATE latency. It makes life a lot more difficult when it comes to recording.

I know how to adjust the buffers in Reaper to reduce latency a bit but with the USB interface will I get less?


If there are any comparable 4 XLR input USB interfaces at that same price range new and used feel free to suggest them. :thu:



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i didn't find with my focusrite firewire interface that in reaper i ran into much of any latency running 6 concurrent channels for live recording-- and honestly-- if you record live, it shouldn't cause you ANY problems.


also- if anybody you know has a mixer-- just mic drums normally with a couple of overheads, a kick, mebbe a snare if you need it- and bus it down to two channels. then record bass and guitar alongside.

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It doesn't have to be USB but I'm not sure if my computer has a Firewire interface and I'm hoping to use this one since it's the most powerful out of the band so minimal latency and best results.

That's tempting chad_sux I'll talk to the rest of the band.

We are not going to be recording live it'll be individual instruments and I'm going to do all the mixing/mastering junk. Hopefully I can pull this off.

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I'm just going to ignore you. I need a serious answer to a serious question.

Thanks for the help though it was appreciated.



Serious question is serious.


Look, I can be sarcastic to:


This moment changed my life, I will never mess with a stranger on the internet again.

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