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Me and the wife got hit by a semi about 5 hours ago


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This is the worst option to be honest. Lawyers are the ONLY people that can get you what you deserve out of insurance companies. Trust me. The amount of money you'll probably get from the company using a lawyer will be tremendous compared to the minimum (and I do mean minimum) the insurance company will try to stiff you with.

Call a personal injury lawyer right now man. You aren't going to be out any money but you stand to lose a LOT in compensatory damage $$ that is a lawyers main objective. Their job is to get the money that you deserve from these companies and then take a little for themselves.

It's worth it without question. If you go at this alone, don't expect a shred of help from your insurance company. They don't give a damn about you. They care about themselves and if you don't get any money out of it, who are they to care? With injury lawyers, they usually take a percentage of your money you get from the insurance companies, thus the more you are awarded, the more money they will make.





If you don't do this you're basically saying you don't care if you get screwed, honestly.

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Glad to hear you both are okay.

Damn I thought I was on TGP for a minute there!!

I'd suggest going to the ER to be checked out. If you are fine and no injuries are determined, then just let your insurance co deal with it.

Personal Injury Lawyer will prefer a case where there IS injury. They might suggest a few preferred Chiro's on their list of recommendations. :cop:

When my Dad was in a similar accident, no PIL wanted the case because injuries were minor (abrasions, bruises) and they'd have a weak case (hardly a chance for settlement). He missed a week of work (including getting checked out) but the insurance company offered reimbursement of his medical expenses and missed days. No narcotics were given for pain so they didn't see any relevant cause for pain and suffering. Some lawyers will have their special Chiro's prescribe pain meds even if you don't take them. It strengthens the injury case.

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First- glad you guys are alive!! I agree with everyone about you going to the ER to get looked at and maybe a cat scan or mri. This way it can be documented. A small pain now can be serious later.



+1 on all counts. If not the ER then make an a.s.a.p. "work in" appointment with a doctor (not chiropractor, or PT. An MD) for both of you. Failing to get medical attention promptly limits your options & may cost you serious $$$ if it turns out to be more than "pretty sore."


Good luck.

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Meh...it's just a scratch.

Honestly, glad you're ok. How's the wife feeling?

She wont be stretching out on top of a Mesa cab anytime soon! Her shoulder is in a lot of pain. Im sad, sore, and feel like death is looking for me :cry: But I think I just need some sleep!

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DUDE! Glad to hear y'all are OK. Wrecks with semi's are the real deal. They are so {censored}ing big and flat out destroy cars. You were lucky, count your blessings.

I will echo the sentiment that you will have to be nasty to the semi driver/owner's insurance company. They will not treat you fairly and will start talking blue book values.....which is total bull{censored}. Wrecks with semi's generally total any car that is involved. Repairs are not an option, so replacement is your only option. We all know that blue book doesn't even come close to paying for a new or even a used car. It's bull{censored} and you need to fight it. I would come out with guns blazing right out of the gates. Let them know you intend to sue, claim injury, whatever it takes. They will try to screw you, period.

Had something similar happen back in college. Was rolling with a buddy of mine in his 3 year old Mustang. We were sitting at a red light, in the right lane, when a semi pulling a 53 foot trailer, pulled up alongside on the left. We were both stopped. Then, without warning, the semi pulls out and makes a right turn. Trailer turns right into my buddy. Starts peeling the roof off...he throws his seat back and lays down in the back seat. I do the same. At first, it starts simultaneously peeling the roof off and dragging the car up onto the curb (where there are DUMBSTRUCK pedestrians watching in horror.) Then the rear wheels of the trailer start rolling up onto the trunk. The driver was {censored}ing oblivious and was running through his gears trying to figure out why his rig was "so sluggish", (his words.) He finally stopped as people were screaming at him.

I wish I had the pics. The Mustang was flat out {censored}ing pancaked. We were on the news....my friends quote, "We were literally going zero mph." Both of us had a few cuts from the glass....but otherwise came out unscathed.

The driver's insurance company totaled the car and offered him something like $9,500 for a 3 yr old Mustang. His parents went ballistic, hired a lawyer and would up sending a letter of intent to sue for injuries, damages, etc. He would up getting a new Mustang.

Stand strong, bro....and again, glad you are OK.

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{censored} you're lucky. I wish you would hit that {censored}er with everything you've got and get him off the road. I've had a lot of close calls with big rigs, especially here around Atlanta. A lot of truck drivers are too distracted by other things in their cab or just simply drive too aggressively and don't give a damn how they are impacting all the 'little vehicles' around them. Probably the result of having some redneck behind the wheel who can't separate reality from NASCAR or something.

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I'm impressed how the car stood up to the impact - no damage to the passenger compartment.


Here's a couple of tips for dealing with insurance companies (I had 3 write offs in a period of 18 months).

1) Document every call and letter - time, date, who you spoke to, what was agreed. I can't stretch this enough - the amount of times you'll hear "We don't have a note in the file of that" will drive you :mad:

2) For getting a settlement for your car look at 'for sale' ads for other ones of you model and age. Pick ones from car dealers as opposed to private ads as they are priced higher and you want the option of getting another one from a dealer when you get round to getting a new car.

3) If it is non-fault tell their insurance to provide a courtesy car or that you will hire one at their expense. You need a car to get around, go to work etc. Once you have that in place the claim will progress quickly they won't stall as you are costing them money every day.

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