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OT: To Catch A Predator


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I'm glad to see everybody that has posted negatively in this thread has had such a happy, satisfying life and has never done something out of despair or loneliness.

Loneliness and desperation = banging a Hardtail chick over 18 yrs old.

Sick and twisted = trying to bang a 13 year old no matter WHAT the circumstance. :facepalm:

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Again, I'm not justifying their actions. It is wrong... they shouldn't have done it. All I'm saying is that people make mistakes and that show capitalizes on the weakness that people have for sexual gratification. Sure, they have apprehended alot of guys that are
and that's great! But they've also apprehended alot of otherwise normal lonely guys that gave into their urges at a weak moment... guys that probably weren't looking for young teenagers initially but that was who seemed interested. And still others that are clearly unstable and haven't matured mentally into an adult (overall mental illness).




Let's see how you feel when you have a daughter and you find out she lost her virginity to one of these guys at say 12 or 13years old. And, what word is that^^^^^ supposed to be?

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Let's see how you feel when you have a daughter and you find out she lost her virginity to one of these guys at say 12 or 13years old. And, what word is that^^^^^ supposed to be?



Pedophilesa is the act of having sex with a minor as a result of your lost xbox controller induced depression. Duh.

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I'm glad to see everybody that has posted negatively in this thread has had such a happy, satisfying life and has never done something out of despair or loneliness. Desperation and lonliness make you do some crazy and regretful things sometimes. Though there absolutely are cases where some of these guys are sick pedophiles, many others come across as lonely guys that are deperate for a woman... Does that justify their actions? No, but once a possible suspect is identified, the "bait" will keep hammering the guy via chat or phone until he gives in and makes a move. Everyone has their weak moments, and the creeps at TCaP and Preverted Justice take advantage of that.

Someone above asked why there are no more new episodes of TCaP... well, it is because they had a former prosecutor nearly baited into coming to a decoy house and when their continued harrassing (yes, it was partly initated by the "bait") couldn't convince the guy to try and meet "bait" in person, the local prosecutor decided they had enough evidence through the chat logs to exercise a search warrant and arrest the guy at his home (with TV cameras rolling... anything for ratings!) when TCaP and the local police got there, the guy shot himself in the head. Nice huh?



That guy had child porn on his computer. fyi.

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I'm glad to see everybody that has posted negatively in this thread has had such a happy, satisfying life and has never done something out of despair or loneliness. Desperation and lonliness make you do some crazy and regretful things sometimes. Though there absolutely are cases where some of these guys are sick pedophiles, many others come across as lonely guys that are deperate for a woman... Does that justify their actions? No, but once a possible suspect is identified, the "bait" will keep hammering the guy via chat or phone until he gives in and makes a move. Everyone has their weak moments, and the creeps at TCaP and Preverted Justice take advantage of that.

Someone above asked why there are no more new episodes of TCaP... well, it is because they had a former prosecutor nearly baited into coming to a decoy house and when their continued harrassing (yes, it was partly initated by the "bait") couldn't convince the guy to try and meet "bait" in person, the local prosecutor decided they had enough evidence through the chat logs to exercise a search warrant and arrest the guy at his home (with TV cameras rolling... anything for ratings!) when TCaP and the local police got there, the guy shot himself in the head. Nice huh?

Travelling 4+ hours to get to the "minor" isn't exactly an action made out of impulse. They knew what they were doing

Look on the bright side. They won't exactly be lonely anymore. Shame it's not the company they were hoping for. Better hold on to that soap :cop:

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You're a cop right? I believe your grasp on legal principles might be a little jaded as well, I mean you enforce the laws the way you're told to enforce the laws. Right?

I mean you're not worrying on the Constiutionality of anything, right? You're not sweating if something violates state, commonwealth or federal Constitutions, but doing as you're told. Right? You're told its okay to club folks, you'll club folks. That's your gig, right?

Now here is the test... if I told you I was going to kill a figment of my imagination, would you arrest me for attempted murder?

Are there thought police in America?




You, sir, are a {censored}ing idiot. Your straw man is falling apart. Try again.

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The significant difference between prostitution stings and To Catch a Predator is the fact that with prostitution, there is no relevance as to the age. The crime is the solicitation of sex. With To Catch a Predator, the crime is age-specific. The crime is that these people are coming to a minor's house to have sexual contact with them. There is no exchange of money, so prostitution laws have no governance in these matters. And since there is (and never was, for that matter) a minor, there - in fact - has been no crime committed.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for identifying these disgusting individuals, but none of them will spend a day in prison for what happens on this show.

There is only one of the two necessary elements present when committing a crime. You need the following: mens rea (guilty mind) and actus reaus (guilty act). The guilty mind is there, but since there was no actual illegal act, any charges would be thrown out.



No. You need INTENT and an act in furtherance of the crime. If your intent, which can be proven by the chat logs, is to engage in sex with someone you believe to be a minor, then you are guilty. The act in furtherance of the crime would be driving your dumbass four hours with a box of condoms and a fifth of Jack Daniels.

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No. You need INTENT and an act in furtherance of the crime. If your intent, which can be proven by the chat logs, is to engage in sex with someone you believe to be a minor, then you are guilty. The act in furtherance of the crime would be driving your dumbass four hours with a box of condoms and a fifth of Jack Daniels.



For an arrest, perhaps, but I guarantee any competent lawyer would easily have the case thrown out. If I walk up to a convenience store with the intent to shoplift, walk inside and pretend to put something in my pocket, does that make me guilty of shoplifting? Maybe enough to get me in initial trouble, but certainly not for a conviction.

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For an arrest, perhaps, but I guarantee any competent lawyer would easily have the case thrown out. If I walk up to a convenience store with the intent to shoplift, walk inside and pretend to put something in my pocket, does that make me guilty of shoplifting? Maybe enough to get me in initial trouble, but certainly not for a conviction.



How would we prove your intent to shoplift? Don't be obtuse.


And you wouldn't be arrested. You might be stopped, but when it was found that you didn't actually have anything, and there was no evidence that you hid or passed off whatever you put in your pocket, you'd be let go.

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How would we prove your intent to shoplift? Don't be obtuse.

And you wouldn't be arrested. You might be stopped, but when it was found that you didn't actually have anything, and there was no evidence that you hid or passed off whatever you put in your pocket, you'd be let go.



Exactly like TCaP. There is no minor, ergo, no crime.


Why you getting mad, bro?

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