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Price Check: 70's Silverface Twin Reverb head


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Hey guys, looking for some help here. I've got a 70's Silverface Twin Reverb head that I'm thinking of putting on craigslist. What would be a fair price? I bought just the chassis (no cab, speakers or reverb tank) off ebay about 12 years ago. I built it into a head and got a new verb tank. It's just too loud for anything I'm doing, so I wanna sell it. Not trying to spam you guys, mainly cause I don't wanna ship it. (Although if anyone in the Seattle area is interested let me know). Any advice on a fair price would be appreciated! As far as condition, it's been a while since I plugged it in, but IIRC it had a slight hum and probably could use new tubes.

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so lemme get this straight the "chassis" was fully loaded and operational correct?



Yes. My description was probably not the best. It was the amp minus the speakers, reverb tank and the box that holds it all together. I built a plywood head box and got a reverb tank. I also build a 2x12 cab but I'm keeping that.

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