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Whats an Affordable Speakers Good For (2x12) OpenBack Combo EL34 Tube Amp?


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For a Crate VFX5212 amp.


I was considering Greenbacks but theyre little pricy but still might get them if theyre worth the money. Only need 2 of them.


On the cheep I am considering CELESTION G12P-80 (Seventy 80). Theyre $95 shipped from Avatar.


Does anyone have other suggestions?

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Swamp Thangs are a good inexpensive drop in for any amp.


I have an old Vibrolux that was really bright and icepicky when I got it(modern ceramic Jensens) and I put in some older eminence alnicos and it smooooved it right out. Those are 10's but 12's can be found for pretty cheap and they sound just as good.

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cool i am open to trying something besides celestions.

Is it relatively safe buying used speakers? Or do they tend to wear out?



I bought 10's and 12's like I'm talking about used and haven't had any issues at all. As long as they look decent and a seller can assure me that they work well then I have no problem buying used speakers, others may disagree or prefer to get new/nearly new. Judgment call I guess.

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I just want to smooth out the tone.

I dont think my amp has celestion speakers. It sez Crate Vseries on the back of them. It looks like some of the amps come with celestions. Maybe original owner swapped them out. who knows.

My main concern is open back speaker enclosure. Do some speaker work better than others with open back?

Found used celestion G12T75 for $75 each. Would these be a good choice? I guess Slash uses them

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For a Crate VFX5212 amp.

I was considering Greenbacks but theyre little pricy but still might get them if theyre worth the money. Only need 2 of them.

On the cheep I am considering CELESTION G12P-80 (Seventy 80). Theyre $95 shipped from Avatar.

Does anyone have other suggestions?



1 WGS Vet 30 and 1 WGS ET65.


Could not ask for a more smooth and balanced tone, while not being muddy.


I use these in my Tremoverb combo, and the tone is balanced, full, smooth, with plenty of thump for an open back combo.



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Ill throw a third shout to the eminence legend GB12s, or if you wanna spend a little more, a second shout to the swamp thangs. I think the gb12s will fit what you are looking for a bit better, though, and they will be cheaper.

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