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NES geeks: Are you sitting on rare games?


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Just dug out the NES and about ready to fire up some Pro-Am and Arkanoid.


Drink some beer and maybe order a pizza later.


If I'm too drunk to order real pizza I've got some of those little microwave pizzas as a backup.



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Just dug out the NES and about ready to fire up some Pro-Am and Arkanoid.

Drink some beer and maybe order a pizza later.

If I'm too drunk to order real pizza I've got some of those little microwave pizzas as a backup.



If you're too drunk to order pizza, maybe you shouldn't operate a microwave either.


Just thinking out loud here.... :D


Also, RC Pro-Am & Arkanoid FTW!!!! I love and still love all Arkanoid/Breakout style games. :D

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This reminds me that I need to start and finish a Ninja Gaiden marathon, I to III from start to finish in one sitting

...... though I really {censored}ing hate III. I beat it once, and I had no desire to play it through again because it just wasn't as good as I or II


I was terrible at the Ninja Gaiden games. Hell, I was terrible at most platformers that weren't Mega Man. :lol: But yes, I & II were awesome. Three....three was less than awesome.


A silly yet fun series was the Adventure Island series. I'm on a skateboard with a stone axe bitches!!! Oh? Not awesome enough? I'm now on a FREAKING DINOSAUR WITH AN AXE!!!!


Hell yeah. :evil:

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I was terrible at the Ninja Gaiden games. Hell, I was terrible at most platformers that weren't Mega Man.
But yes, I & II were awesome. Three....three was less than awesome.

A silly yet fun series was the
Adventure Island
series. I'm on a skateboard with a stone axe bitches!!! Oh? Not awesome enough? I'm now on a FREAKING DINOSAUR WITH AN AXE!!!!

Hell yeah.


Yes! Adventure Island 2 FTW!


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If you ever feel like giving yourself an aneurysm, play Nightmare On Elm Street for the original NES. GOD DAMN THAT GAME IS SO {censored}ING HARD. One of the few to support a full 4 players, but even with a completely STACKED team of veteran gamers, in the 3 or so years spent playing it every weekend, not once have me or my friends beat it. One of those rarer games that you in no way want to subject yourself to.

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Air Fortress is badass. And Battletoads is pretty {censored}ing hard, but I beat it when I was 5 somehow. I still don't have any problem with those air bike levels everyone always bitches about.
What gets me is the snakes.


{censored} THOSE {censored}ING SNAKES IN THEIR {censored}ING SNAKE FACES! :mad:


I sucked at the airbikes too, but those didn't enrage me like the snakes.

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Anyone remember Legacy of the Wizard? I owned it, and that game was {censored}ing impossible. The map was HUGE



I have never even heard of that game before...which...is surprising. Broderbund put out some kickass stuff, I'm gonna check it out. :thu:

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It's actually quite cool and pretty fun, but frustratingly huge and confusing. You have 5 different characters who can use different items and have different abilities and you have to switch between them all to complete the game. And that means if you dont have a crystal ball (I think) you have to literall back track all the way to your house to switch. I think the pet monster is the only one that isn't really necessary but he doesn't get hurt by bad guys.

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It's actually quite cool and pretty fun, but frustratingly huge and confusing. You have 5 different characters who can use different items and have different abilities and you have to switch between them all to complete the game.


The wiki makes it sound pretty interesting. I think I'll have to track it down and give it a go. Nothing like being able to save at any time and speed up the game in emulation to make some older games more fun. :lol:

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Games I had...


Bayou Billy


1943: The battle of Midway


Karate Champ (hahaha)

Bad Dudes

Balloon Fight

Bases Loaded

Bionic Commando ({censored}ing loved this game!)


Boulder Dash

Castlevania I II and III (and IV for that matter)



Double Dragon

Jekyll and Hyde

Double Dribble

Festers Quest ({censored}ing HARD game)

Dragons Lair


Friday the 13th (hated this {censored})

Ghosts N Goblins (another one that will piss you off)

The Goonies II

Guerrilla War

Hogans Alley

Hudson Hawk

The Hunt for Red October

Ikari Warriors

Iron Sword



Karate Kid

Kid Icarus


Punch Out

Operation Wolf



Prince of Persia

RBI Baseball

RC Proam

Rad Racer

Side Pocket



Super Mario Bros

Taboo ({censored} got boring quick)


Tiger Heli

Top Gun (keep hearing how hard it was but it wasn't nearly as bad as some)

Total Recall


T&C Surf Designs (the list I read didn't have them all...still a couple names I'm looking for)

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