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Anybody on here build amps?


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Seriously though. http://www.ax84.com/


Read. Read. Read until you can't read or digest anymore. You want to understand the dangerous parts of the circuit. There are lethal voltages inside of tube amps, so be very sure that you understand where you can probe, and where you can't.


That said, take your time and pay attention to details. You should be able to follow an electrical schematic, and at least understand the signal path. Most amp kits come with a layout which tells you were components and wires go. It's imperative that you follow that to a "T" and highlight things as you solder them. Then when you think you're done. Go back with a different high lighter and check for continuity at all connections.


You can do it, you just need to read about tube amps, and ax84 is a great place to start. I'd recommend starting with one of their kits to get started if you're nervous at all.

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