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Ive been offered one of these amps in a trade, and i have never had my hands on one. Seems like from the reviews i have read that its a gain monster. I'll basically have 250.00 in it. Has anyone played one to be able to tell me what the clean channel is voiced like, How the saturation on the gain is.... THICK, CLEAR, ECT.... just courious about if it will fit my progressive metal style?

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Good saturation. Very effective EQ, so easy to get the sound you like.

Clean channel is pretty lame, but usable.


I have the 1x12". The combo speakers aren't too bad, plus you can hook them up to an external cab. I played mine through my Recto 4x12" and it sounded BADASS.


I use mine for gigs when I can't take separate heads/cabs.

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I have the head, so it may be a little different, but I love mine. I also think the clean channel is amazing. I don't know why people don't like it. I get the perfect 80's Power Ballad clean tone out of it. Also has the best reverb I've heard out of any amp except for Fenders.

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These are great amps. I don't really understand the hate for the clean channel. Circuit wise the clean channel is not all that different from the classic series amps and people rave about those. With the right speakers these amps sound fantastic for progressive metal.

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I've had the 112 and 212 and agree with the others. Great od and high gain sounds, clean is adequate. I gigged quite a bit with mine and they were bullet proof. Decent stock speakers too so don't just assume you'll need to swap those because they say "Peavey".

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after putting some pedals in front of this amp today I'm glad to say it's completely worth the 200.00 i have in it. I put a ts9 and it really jammed... then i put the very old ibanez american tube king.. WOW.... it's sounds sooooooo good. You can get some great blues tones with the clean channel and then leaving the od pedals on. very very good. The ultra channel is crushing though.

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I have a Peavey Ultra 212 and it was my main amp before getting a
Triple XXX
. Now it's my rehearsal amp, love it - a noise gate and an EQ in the loop and you're ready to do some damage. For $250, you can't really go wrong



I bet you also say "PIN number" and "ATM machine" don't you?

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I replaced all the signal ceramic caps with polystyrene and all the polyester caps with polypropylene on my Ultra+ and its not noisy at all now. Love the active EQ; dime everything except TS (at full cut) and then bring TS up slowly for raging PA distortion.


Don't now why pedals are needed (?) my AMT FatalTube on the clean channel sounds like the Ultra channel, but I already have the Ultra channel so who cares?

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Decent stock speakers too so don't just assume you'll need to swap those because they say "Peavey".



I have the 1x12 combo version, and the stock speaker that came in it was absolutely awful. I replaced it with an Eminence Wizard and the amp slays now. If you like the wet fart sound, you'll love the stock speakers. Otherwise, spend a few bucks on some good replacements. Just about anything would be a step up over the stock speaker.

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I just got one of the 212 combos for 250!

I love it!

I already had the 410 version.

I am looking to get one of the 1 12 combos then I will have the collection!

This is the most versitile amp I have ever used.

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I just got one of the 212 combos for 250!

I love it!

I already had the 410 version.

I am looking to get one of the 1 12 combos then I will have the collection!

This is the most versitile amp I have ever used.



sweet... the one i have is having a problem with the footswitch. does anyone have a schematic for the footswitch?

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