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Good Piece on Santorum.

Tommy Horrible

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I would vote for this guy after reading this piece. I didn't read a single thing in this article that doesn't sound like a good idea to me. Oh course no talk of his IMO wacky social stances, but the dude is Catholic, all Catholics pretty much hold the same views as him.


Kinda funny, if he gets elected he will be the only other Catholic besides JFK ever elected.


I got a sneaky suspicion this guy will get the Repulican nomination. I think his platform is solid and could beat Obama.



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I disagree with privatizing health care as a whole and I could never vote for him because of his stance on social issues. His economic stance I'd need to look much more in to before I could make a good judgement on that, but based on the article I don't think he differs enough from the rhetoric for me

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Believe this. If by some chance he is the nominee he has ZERO chance of winning. The right wind field is extremely weak.



Probably true. I just don't think conservatism really can win a American presidential election in 2012. The GOP will get it's ass handed to them this election then go back to the drawing board and start looking at a more Rockafeller-esqe pre 1980 Ronald Regan conservative outbreak stance.

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I disagree with privatizing health care as a whole and I could never vote for him because of his stance on social issues. His economic stance I'd need to look much more in to before I could make a good judgement on that, but based on the article I don't think he differs enough from the rhetoric for me



Well yeah, but it's all rhetoric, it's the only thing we have to go by. Everyone knows the Queen of England who is a German Nazi/Lizard Person really runs the show from her space ship in Buckingham palace.

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He can keep his oppressive puritanical beliefs to himself as far as I'm concerned. The last thing we need is a religious fundie running this country, you think it's bad now, just wait...the war on contraceptives will only be the beginning. And yeah, he signed Bachmann's stupid little pledge to ban porn...so crippling a multi-billion dollar/year industry is ok so long as you can do it while hiding behind your religious beliefs. There's a 'pro-business' candidate for ya right there.


There's not enough sexually repressed voters out there to cover the spread, Obama would destroy him.

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It doesnt matter. Santorum..Romney ... either way, we're gonna be stuck with Obama for another four years. After that...it'll be the same bull{censored}, no matter who gets in. It's only gonna get worse. Left..Right.. It's all a sideshow.



True - I've never experienced such polarization in my lifetime - such utter hatred for the other side from both sides. It's impossible to get anything done with this system as it stands today.

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In addition to the dude's bull{censored} social agenda (and I'm a Christian myself) he wants to change the Constitution. He has already said he plan to add two new amendments and wants to force a redefinition of at least two others. Should make real conservatives want to puke.

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1. Reduce/eliminate food stamps

2. Reduce funding and ban insurance companies from paying for contraception of any kind

3. Annull same sex marraige and make homosexual acts a punishable offense

4. Reinstate dont ask dont tell

5. Thinks health care is a luxury that shouldnt be available to all Americans , but only those who work hard enough to deserve it


I dont agree with him on any level personally

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Look at the things he has supported with his VOTES while in office, versus the stuff he says and is saying to get elected. They don't match. At all.


Everyone needs to look at the actual voting records of the people they are considering supporting. We all know they say what they think will get them elected.


Look at how they have voted in the past. This is the only historical evidence available to indicate how they will use their power if elected.


Don't take my word for it. Look it up.

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I don't care if we genetically cloned the perfect American President and he made the 100% right choice every single time on everything, all our troubles wouldn't be over.


This is true,...


Well, anyway,...have fun buying into the BS and hype. :wave:

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