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soundproofing idea - good or bad?


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so i got a new 212 yesterday :rawk: and used the thick foam corner packaging materials to help soundproof my jam room a bit. it actually helped a lot.


turns out my buddy knows my neighbor 3 houses down from church and he says he can hear us so i am focusing on soundproofing right now.


should i just man up and buy real soundproofing stuff from loop or do you think i could get by with buying more of these foam packaging pieces if they are cheaper?


i dont know anything about this stuff so if anyone has any tips or links i would really appreciate it, so would my neighbors. btw, before any {censored}storm we always are done by 830 or 9, and i push for more weekend sessions than during the week. i try to be as respectful as possible but this is like the most fun other than the womenz i have.

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yeah i guess i should clarify, i am not looking to completly soundproof the room. i worded that incorrectly. looking more along the lines of sound reduction techniques on the cheap :)

those were great articles though and the rest of the suggestions have been good too.

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The best way is to build a room within a room. Keep an air gap between the walls and you'll really make a difference. If you can float the "inner" room on rubber pads that's even better. Seriously.


Here is a good book on the subject. A little technical but lots of good info. FWIW there is a huge difference between sound-proofing and treating a room to sound good. You can treat a room and make it sound good, and that is what the foam (real foam not the egg crate stuff) is good for. It won't slow down sound exiting the room one bit though. Sound proofing is much more difficult and expensive.

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most of the recommendations here will only affect the sound INSIDE the room and will not do much outside of it.


Also, the foam corner piece in amp boxes generally aren't that big. I'm skeptical you truly noticed much difference, I'd say it's placebo effect.


It's generally low end that causes the most grief as it's wavelengths are longer and travel farther, or high transient stuff like drums. Using blankets and stuff will kill reflections inside the room for high mid and high frequencies which would lead you to believe it's killing the sound, but outside the room there would be a negligible difference, and probably no difference for low end stuff.


Room in a room, mass, double layer walls, etc., those are the things that will make it quieter, not blankets for foam corner from amp boxes, lol.

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honestly the only thing the neighbor said was that he heard was drums and its not like he was super pissed. it really didnt bother him too much but i still want to try to work on it. i've owned the house for 3 years now and never gotten a letter or visit from the cops.

i am not saying the foam pieces were night and day difference but we positioned them right above the drums and in the corner where he sits and it did help a small bit. but i hear what you are saying about it mostly being in the room and not outside, which is why i want to work on it.

i walked outside while they were jamming and it is moslty drums that you hear. passing cars and trucks were louder.

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the kick drum and bass are the hardest things to get rid of, their frequencies travel through the floor/ground. some people build a sub floor on top of sand or rubber isolation pads. a drum riser built on rubber pads and bass cab on wheels or riser built on rubber pads would even help.

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the kick drum
and bass are the hardest things to get rid of, their frequencies travel through the floor/ground. some people build a sub floor on top of sand or rubber isolation pads. a drum riser built on rubber pads and bass cab on wheels or riser built on rubber pads would even help.





thats exactly what he said he heard

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Yep. The lower the frequency the less directional and harder it is to stop. Forgot to mention earlier, but think it was in that article. Airtightness is also very important.


I agree that I think the minimum is a floating drum riser and probably one for the bass amp also. But to really fix it you'll need to do a room in a room. If you go that route I'd also reinsulate the current walls just to make sure they're up to snuff.

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The only way to sound proof for low frequencies (bass, kick drum etc) is to build a room within a room. There are no other possibilities.

Foam, mattresses, curtains etc. are very good at sound proofing for higher frequencies and often that's enough.

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The only way to sound proof for low frequencies (bass, kick drum etc) is to build a room within a room. There are no other possibilities.

Foam, mattresses, curtains etc. are very good at sound proofing for higher frequencies and often that's enough.



Yep, and don't forget the floor needs to be isolated.



E drums are cheaper.

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as Abstract said, sheetrock and greenglue
I used soundboard sheetrock which has a lead like substance in it, then greenglue, then regular sheetrock, on walls and ceiling, floors in my Australian house are a concrete slab with solid hardwood glued to it so that was ok, then a solid thick hardwood door with seals all around the frame and a flap thing on the bottom that clamps down as the door shuts

I could crank a 4x12 in there and my missus could watch tv in the room behind it

Spent all that money then moved house!

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yeah i love my house but i only plan to be there for 5-10 more years max before buying something on the lake so spending thousands isnt going to happen. a soundproof studio would be a huge selling point to many members of hcaf but i think that money could be better spent elsewhere. maybe for my next house though.

all the responses and links have been great though, really appreciate it. sounds like i need to focus on lifting the kit and 8x10 up off the ground first, that sounds doable for my budget. thanks guys!!

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Its been covered by most on how to really soundproof, and that takes some serious construction to do it proper.


But if you just want to be old school and pack as much {censored} around the room as possible, you can get furniture foam and padding from places like Jo-Ann's fabric for way cheaper than the egg crate foam from names like aurelex. Can get way thicker to. I would just do that and build a drum riser. As a drummer I don't like the drum riser in our rehearsal room because it does kill all the beef of the kicks. We don't have any issue with sound complaints where we practice so I don't use it. But even a high school level platform made of 2x4s and plywood will help in decoupling a lot of the bass from the floor and keep the boom from being heard a mile away

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i can just see the drummer looking at me telling him to buy an e-kit, then look at my wall of amps, then look back at me, then look at the 8x10 bass rig and then back at me and laugh. hahaha.

but srsly... he is a drummer, he is broke as {censored} and has 2 kids. i am not spending my maps money on something i fail so badly at playing.

its a good suggestion and sure it would really help, i am just joking around at this point.

i dunno, i havent gotten any calls or visits in 3 years, i think we are being ok. the room is halfway underground and the house is well insulated - passing cars and trucks were louder than us. but i still want to work on it and try to improve - just on the cheap so i can buy more gear.

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