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Cover Bands...


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All you need is a good singer. If the rest of the band can half ass the songs so they sound somewhat close, but you have a singer that kicks ass, you will have success.


Saw a local cover band last night. The band was solid, good drummer, bass players (they switched off, one played keys sometimes) were solid. Lead guitarist is good enough and the lead singer also plays rhythm.


But the dude has an amazing voice. Has one of those voices that are good and clear enough to sing songs that require clarity, but can grit it up just a bit for songs requiring it and a range to boot.


It was pretty fun. Oh, gear-wise the guitarists were rocking dual-rectumfriers. The lead guitarist looked to be playing an LTD of some sort, the singer had a doublecut gibson. One bassist used a Pbass of some sort, the other rocked a Carvin SB400, which looked sweet as hell.


Fun was had, beer was drunk, local bar was successfully rocked.


Oh, I also learned Def Leppard is pretty hard to pull off live and sound anything like Def Leppard. :lol:

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Hey Ovid, are the Megasonics still around down there? Good band.



Ya know, I'm not sure. I used to hear their name on the radio all the time advertising their next show. But...I don't listen to the radio anymore. I saw them play once and yeah, they were awesome.

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Ya know, I'm not sure. I used to hear their name on the radio all the time advertising their next show. But...I don't listen to the radio anymore. I saw them play once and yeah, they were awesome.



Yeah my band played with them a time or two down there and I still have one of their cd's. I think the bass player works/worked at Flores Music.

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