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Does anyone actually know what Jimi was talking about in Purple Haze?


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i see, and always have for as long as i can remember, constant specks of red and blue like static all the time.

and if i close my eyes, i see transparent explosions and a colorful wormhole. but i have seen that for as long as i can remember as well
, only intensified when on acid.

and tracers, lots of em.

but never a purple haze.

I remember trying to explain this to my godfather when I was a kid and how he could see them too if he wanted me to show him how. He looked at me like :eek: and went and spoke to my parents about my likely future drug use :o:lol::o

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LSD rocks?

*Has never tried LSD


You're not missing anything...... Seriously.


This is what it looks like when you are beaming super hard



This is what it looks like when you realize you can't make it stop for another 14 hours.....


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i see, and always have for as long as i can remember,
constant specks of red and blue like static all the time.

and if i close my eyes, i see transparent explosions and a colorful wormhole. but i have seen that for as long as i can remember as well, only intensified when on acid.

and tracers, lots of em.

but never a purple haze.



That sort of sounds like oxygen deprivation or possibly auras from migraines.

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When I was in my late teens and early 20's I used to take LSD all the time, way too much actually.

For a couple of years after my last trip, even while sober, everywhere I looked I saw for a few seconds a transparent purple afterimage of whatever I was looking at before, so that everything I looked had like a purple smoke in front of it. It's almost maddening but I got used to it and then it eventually went away.

I knew for sure that had to be exactly what he was talking about. He's experiencing negative effects of the mass amounts of LSD he'd been taking ie "don't know if I'm coming up or down" "purple haze all in my eyes" etc...

Just thought I'd share that CSB and see if anyone had experienced similar

Same here. Didn't bother me though. :lol:

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Ive had auras from migraines last for days before, not all the time though.

Smoke a lot or other lung problems? I mention it because ive had the static thing before when i couldnt catch my breath.


quit smoking a long time ago, i puff on the ganj a couple times a day though.


i do remember having migrains a couple times during middle school years though. blinding streak of light, nausea, and the most incredible head pain imaginable. but that only happened lik2 or 3 times at the most.

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One particular trip I had entered a complete visionary dream state. At the height of the trip I couldn't see anything that was"real". I sat there for what seemed like an hour or two with every sound creating an image to the incredibly vivid landscape my mind was creating. It was incredibly intense and I enjoyed it. It was the trip I always thought acid would give me. I think I prolly only tripped a handful more times after that, because what had become the normal trip I was used to, just didn't match what I experienced this one night. It's like I had reached the top of that mountain and every trip that didn't reach the same height was mundane.


Anyway after I had veged out for that time, at one point my whole landscape started swirling slowly and melting together. It kept swirling until I was sort of looking at it through a tunnel. Around the tunnel was pure black. That vision kept swirling and getting smaller and smaller with the blackened area becoming bigger until eventually all I saw was black. I sat for a few seconds in black, but then that started to freak me out. I jumped up from my state and reality came back.. In this particular case reality was my garage as I was just sitting outside my garage tripping balls enjoying the night. I somehow found the light and when I turned it on, everything was horizontal and purple. So imagine me now turning my head trying to see upright..,lol. But I couldn't. Everything that was in my garage was horizontal. The shovels hanging on the wall.. Sideways and purple.. No matter how I turned my head.. Lol. A friend of mine was also there and tripping on the same stuff and also couldn't grasp or see reality and I remember just plopping down on the floor in my garage and then continued on creating another huge landscape in my mind... I don't remember how it ended, but I did think I saw that purple haze that Jimi sang about..


That trip is definitely one if the most incredible things I've ever experienced.. And for me, once is enough. a great as it was, I know to trip that hard on a regular basis would surely ruin someone trying to still function and make a living in this mundane society.. If I ever had all monetary needs I every needed and didn't have to function in society, I'd probably reconsider and lose my mind to acid, if there is still good {censored} going around! But maybe I wouldn't enjoy it anymore since I had reached the pinnacle.. I can remember that trip as well as anything in my life so it has left it's mark. And it may be best not to {censored} with it..

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quit smoking a long time ago, i puff on the ganj a couple times a day though.

i do remember having migrains a couple times during middle school years though. blinding streak of light, nausea, and the most incredible head pain imaginable. but that only happened lik2 or 3 times at the most.



Take look at this page, there are migraines that only effect vision and doesnt have any pain associated with it.




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