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Whitebox 1x12 or 2x12?


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Well, I've decided to bite the bullet and get a new cabinet from Whitebox. I use a Avatar Contemporary 2x12 live and at rehearsal, and I wanted a decent 1x12 for home/bedroom use. But man, looking at the Whitebox site has given me serious GAS for another 2x12, though I really don't need it. (I'm already thinking about selling the Avatar, which is completely stupid. It sounds great, but the Whitebox with the slanted cab is just so sexy... :facepalm:) I've no need for another 2x12, so a 1x12 seems ideal... but it also seems like 2/3 the price of the bigger cabinet...


Is there a question here? Not really. I'm just groaning to myself.

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Unless you plan to run two 2x12s at once, get the 1x12. It seems counterintuitive, since the price is so close, but you'll be glad you have the option of going one speaker or two.



Yeah, that's what I figured... but like you said, it seems counter-intuitive. Sometimes everyone needs to be talked out of the crazy.

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i dunno, i would run 2 212s in a heartbeat. run one closed and one semi open back - that would be sweet.


i guess 112s are good for recording but i just dig having more speakers on stage


whitebox cabs are sweet though and Doug is good people

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i dunno, i would run 2 212s in a heartbeat. run one closed and one semi open back - that would be sweet.

i guess 112s are good for recording but i just dig having more speakers on stage

whitebox cabs are sweet though and Doug is good people



Well, part of the problem is that I just don't have a good amp setup at home, and lugging my Avatar up and down two flights of a stairs before/after every practice is a pain in the ass. (Boo hoo, I know.) It'd be great to have two cabs running at once... buuuut it still doesn't solve the problem of lugging a 2x12 around. I guess I could always keep one 2x12 cab at home and one at practice, but man, does that seem like overkill for home use. Meh.

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Get the 2x12, it's only a little more.


Who knows, you may end up liking it more and using it over the Avatar.


And It's not like a "2x12" is too loud or too much for jamming at home anyways.


1 speaker, 2 speakers, or 4 speakers at home, doesn't really matter (Amps volume knob controls the volume, not the number of speakers)

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i dunno, i would run 2 212s in a heartbeat. run one closed and one semi open back - that would be sweet.

i guess 112s are good for recording but i just dig having more speakers on stage

whitebox cabs are sweet though and Doug is good people



+1. 1x12's are good for recording I guess but I've never liked their tone when playing compared to a 2x12. I personally don't consider a 2x12 to much for home use and IMO they sound so much better than 1x12's.

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1x12 wide. Whitebox has a 22" width option on the 1x12s. I'm thinking that'll probably be in my future once I get some things paid for.


That's the same width as Mesa's widebody 1x12, and I can tell you first-hand it's a different sonic animal from your usual 17-19" wide 1x12. :thu:

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That's the same width as Mesa's widebody 1x12, and I can tell you first-hand it's a different sonic animal from your usual 17-19" wide 1x12.


Yeah, I'm not a fan of normal 1x12s with the square shape front. Too "boxy" for lack of a better word. Wide 1x12s tend to sound fuller, bigger and punchier.

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212. It's only a little bit more and will sound better. Plus it's always better to overdo it than underdo it. Also this way you have the option of stacking it on top of your Avatar at jams/gigs for a 412. IMO it seems like a no brainer to me to go with the 212.

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Well, I priced everything out, and I'm still torn. It's around $365 got a wide-body 1x12 set-up the way I want; $540 for the 2x12, which is pretty much a 30% difference. Celestion just told me that the Lynchbacks I've chosen won't play nice with my existing G12H30/V30 cab, so running them together might be pointless. I'm leaning towards the widebody 1x12 for the cranked Greenback-ish sound and the space/weight convenience, but I'm worried that there won't be nearly as much bass response as a 2x12. I mean... $175 is $175, and I can certainly find a use for that money.

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