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What pedal would you suggest for my Marshall JCM 900 MkIII?


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No, for the love of god. No.



With certain amps..a definant hell no, but with some (and not on the idiot setting) they can make some stuff sound good. With an old

NMV Marshall, or something of the 2204/2203 flavors, it'll sound like crap. with the voicing of a 900 series, it could help. Dude wants something "modern sounding" , could possibly help with that. (with the amp eq'd right).


I tried one with a channel switching JCM 800 50 watter, and it made it sound better, for a more modern typ of rock / metal sound.


I'd prefer the Aphex Xciter, but those are kinda pricey. (another pedal that "just a little goes a long way" )

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Heres a clip of my settings.




Did some more chordy stuff to show that it still can cop an 80's feel, and then so more heavy to show that its quite modern sounding. The ringing is a combo of my baseboard heater and the stupid strings past the nut I need to dampen with foam. The pop is my noise gate turning on. I really have to get a new one, it drives me nuts :lol:



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Heres a clip of my settings.


Did some more chordy stuff to show that it still can cop an 80's feel, and then so more heavy to show that its quite modern sounding. The ringing is a combo of my baseboard heater and the stupid strings past the nut I need to dampen with foam. The pop is my noise gate turning on. I really have to get a new one, it drives me nuts


tone finder representing m/!!

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900 MKIIIs sound great


A 900 can sound great set up just right. I think alot of folks pass judgemet on em too quick. Ive heard a bunch that sounded like dog ass.. Have heard a few that I coulda swore were hot rodded JCM 800's.


At one time, I was trying to find one that was blown up / needed work. I wanted to fix one, & see what kind of mods could be done to it, just to see what else it was capable of. I think the whole "diode clipping" thing turned the purists off, and the opinion spread & gave em a bad rap.

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Heres a clip of my settings.


Did some more chordy stuff to show that it still can cop an 80's feel, and then so more heavy to show that its quite modern sounding. The ringing is a combo of my baseboard heater and the stupid strings past the nut I need to dampen with foam. The pop is my noise gate turning on. I really have to get a new one, it drives me nuts



That does have a great modern sound! I am going to have to experiment with my eqs for sure!



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So I adjusted my eq's to what ejendres suggested. I didn't run my Mojo Drive quite like he has his set, but somewhat similar (as the Mojo Drive has tons of output!). This is what I came up with... Also the first video had a Fane Medusa 150 in the cab, this video has a WGS ET65 in the cab...




Does it sound more modern to you guys?



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