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Can the Supersonic do the fusion thing well?


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Can the Fender Supersonic get good fusion-ish tones (i.e. Guthrie Govan, Allan Holdsworth, etc.). I'm specifically interested in the head version to plug into my Mesa Recto cab with the V30s. Maybe I can find one for trade? Do they come up around here often?

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Can the Fender Supersonic get good fusion-ish tones (i.e. Guthrie Govan, Allan Holdsworth, etc.). I'm specifically interested in the head version to plug into my Mesa Recto cab with the V30s. Maybe I can find one for trade? Do they come up around here often?



not really, it's not smooth enough for that IMHO. You should try the Legacy 3 or a Mesa DC series.

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It is. I didn't really like my Supersonic that I owned. Pete Townsend uses them now though (I think). Not for me.


the one i tried had a v30 in it, and there was no way to get the midrange out of the way... that sounds kinda similar-- but worse :lol:

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Here's a little fake jazz clip that I just recorded with my Supersonic




I think it's a good amp but it takes time to get to know it. The controls seem to be a little different that most of the Fender amps I've had (and I have had dozens). It isn't my favorite amp but it works for me but then again I'm not nearly as picky about tone as some of the better players on here so YMMV.


If you wan't me to record some clips in a different style let me know. I'm not that versatile of a player but I'll do my best.

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