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If you wanted to see what Brann and Bill were doing before Mastodon...


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This is Lethargy. The band they were in before Mastodon. Lethargy is legend around here and have been since 93 or so. Maybe not everyones cup 'o tea, but if you want to see what Brann is really capable of...


The singer/guitarist is Erik Burke of my band Sulaco as well as Nuclear Assault and Brutal Truth.


Anyway... Comment good or bad. Interested in what this crowd thinks of these guys.


edit.. better vid


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So the singer in your band used to be in a band with a couple of the Mastodon guys??cool.

It sounds like pretty cool {censored}. It's a bit muddy, but i can make out most of the riffing.


Yeah. Those two seem more like local musicians to me than rock stars, but it's really cool that they are rock stars. I didn't know them very well, but Lethargy was huge around here. My band Sulaco got to play with Mastodon a couple years ago. It was a great show, but no Lethargy reunion that night :lol:


The show i posted was their reunion show in 2000. Mastodon was together at that point, but still new. Brann and Bill stopped by Relapse records on their way back down to Atlanta from this show to shop them what would eventually become "Remission". Or maybe it was the demo with Eric Saner on vocals. If you can find that demo, it's awesome. Either way, Relapse signed them at that point.

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brann is {censored}ing rad

that last mastodon album blew {censored}

do you have any of these guys' records for download somewhere?



Yes. On iTunes. Its called Lethargy discography. I'll post a link tomorrow. Can't find it on my phone.

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Thought so. I wanted to like Today is the Day just because of the album cover for that album. Couldn't do it.



Today is the day can be a hit hit or miss, but that album"in the eyes if God" is great.. One of my favorites, for sure.. Also check out Temple of the Morning Star for another great Today is the Day album.

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