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Rush Cover (La Villa Strangiato) - And Need Some Help Too


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Hey fellas. I have been on a bit of a classic Rush high as of late. I have been playing around with recording a cover of the tune and decided on my all time favorite, La Villa Stranigiato. I am not good enough on bass so I posted for an existing backing track. I used my Anderson Classic and the Mark IV on RHY 2 (channel 2) boosted with my BB Preamp.


I didn't record the intro since it started without me and I wasn't quite ready. Skip to about 1:40 to get to the goods.


I am posting two versions:


1. Mic'ed up cab with my Shure 57 and e609

2. Audio in the room via my Q3HD (you'll need to turn it up to get the full volume)


Anyways, I love the way the amp sounds in the room but struggling finding the right mic placement. Hopefully by saying that I am struggling with mic placement doesn't bias your answer. Maybe it sounds fine and I my ears are a little fatigued. Either way, any best practices when placing a 57 or e609? I guess I shouldn't expect too much since I am a complete amateur in regards to recording experience and equipment.


Either way, hope you like the clip. Always loved this tune. I know I bend a bit sharp on a couple of notes but decided to do the whole thing in one take with no overdubs.



Mic'ed Up Clip



Room Audio


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Interesting, I found that same backing track, and I was going to do that as well. Good job.

I don't know squat about mic'ing,
i haven't mic'd an amp to record in a very long time



Oddly enough you still put it in roughly the same place :-o Sorry, couldn't resist. Great playing OP. Cheers, Lucius

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