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Talk me out of selling my Traynor . . .


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I've been toying with the idea of selling my Traynor YCV40WR, but I'm starting to wonder if I shouldn't. They get a lot of slack, but the YCV20, YCV40, and YCV50B are pretty good amps IMHO. Mine has a great clean, somewhere between Fender and Voxish with a usable gain that gets pretty nasty with my MXR Classic Overdrive. The reverb isn't great, but it ain't bad either. Hmmmm ...

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Just sell it. If you're not totally happy with it try something else.



This. I posted at least two similar threads trying to justify keeping my HRDx and thought about modding it, but at this point it's going back to stock and on CL. It was my first "real" tube amp, and I like the sound, but it's not right for me. I feel like for the most part, if you get to this point you should let go and move on.


I'm also coming around to the idea that the best way to go is just save up until I can afford what I want. So I'm trying to make myself wait for a deal on a Deluxe or Princeton reissue.

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There are a tone of great affordable amps out there right now. As much as I loved the YCV50 blue.....I'd take the Mustang III over it in a heartbeat. Blue had just a TAD more guts....but the MIII can do everything the Blue could do....plus a hundred.


Edit: Sell it...try some other stuff, buy back if remorsed.

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