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Lets talk about a real bad mofo, Rasputin

Snappy Hat

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Dude always had groupies.
Now thats a christian.
Poisoned , shot , comes back to life , shot some more , penis
cut off. Tied up and thrown into a river and still breaks his bonds
but then dies from drowning.

Determined to finish the job, Prince Yusupov became anxious about the possibility that Rasputin might live until the morning, leaving the conspirators no time to conceal his body. Yusupov ran upstairs to consult the others and then came back down to shoot Rasputin through the back with a revolver. Rasputin fell, and the company left the palace for a while. Yusupov, who had left without a coat, decided to return to get one, and while at the palace, he went to check on the body. Suddenly, Rasputin opened his eyes and lunged at Yusupov. He grabbed Yusupov and attempted to strangle him. At that moment, however, the other conspirators arrived and fired at Rasputin. After being hit three times in the back, he fell once more. As they neared his body, the party found that, remarkably, he was still alive, struggling to get up. They clubbed him into submission. Some accounts say that his killers also severed his penis (subsequently resulting in urban legends and claims that certain third parties were in possession of the organ).[27][28][29] After binding his body and wrapping him in a carpet, they threw him into the icy Neva River. He broke out of his bonds and the carpet wrapping him, but drowned in the river.

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Since he was apparently hung like a horse, he was able to usurped the men by {censored}ing the {censored} out of all of their women.

The more power he and influence he amassed, the more the bitches flocked to him.

That's why the men hated him.

{censored} loves power.

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Quote Originally Posted by paul88lx

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Since he was apparently hung like a horse, he was able to usurped the men by {censored}ing the {censored} out of all of their women.

The more power he and influence he amassed, the more the bitches flocked to him.

That's why the men hated him.

{censored} loves power.


{censored} hate me redface.gif
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