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Not worried except for the bold part. The bat{censored} insane people out there who believe this "countdown to apocalypse" {censored} on tv are what I'm afraid of. There's been nothing but doomsday garbage on tv the past couple weeks or so.



Yeah, that and everybody being all over-sensitive and on-edge and ready to pop over the dumbest {censored}, confronted by the ACTUAL dumbest {censored}, it leaves a little tiny nag in the back of the brain that something may or may not go down just because people are {censored}ing morons and WANT something to go down.


I wouldn't say scared, or really even concerned so much as interested in what stupidity my fellow man can pull off this time.

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Yeah, that and everybody being all over-sensitive and on-edge and ready to pop over the dumbest {censored}, confronted by the ACTUAL dumbest {censored}, it leaves a little tiny nag in the back of the brain that something may or may not go down just because people are {censored}ing morons and WANT something to go down.

I wouldn't say scared, or really even concerned so much as interested in what stupidity my fellow man can pull off this time.

This is the category I fall in. There are a lot of people spending a lot of money on prepping for this {censored}. They don't want to be wrong. How many dumb asses are going to drink the kool-aid before the 21st? :idk:

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I wonder if anyone will commit suicide after the world doesn't end. Surely someone will.



I don't think there is any question. And I am not a person who usually tries to pass the blame, if someone kills themselves it's their fault. But if a large number of people kill themselves or others on the 21st should all the TV shows who have profited off of this be responsible for anything? I mean every time I turn on History channel the world is ending for some other reason.

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Well, I only know very few people who actually fear. And I don't have a tv, so I don't know what all the shows say.


All I know is that we're going to throw a big ass party on the night before, just to make sure that we'll have such a hangover that we don't actually care if the world ends!

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I don't think there is any question. And I am not a person who usually tries to pass the blame, if someone kills themselves it's their fault. But if a large number of people kill themselves or others on the 21st should all the TV shows who have profited off of this be responsible for anything? I mean every time I turn on History channel the world is ending for some other reason.



People need to sack up and stop being complete illiterate herp a derps. If they off themselves over panic because of the media, such as it is, they have some serious underlying issues that go way beyond what we're seeing on the surface.


Which brings us back to mental health being a problem. Nobody wants to discuss it beyond saying it's a problem, but we're happy to say it's a problem.

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All that date is regarded as is the end of the Mayan Long Count calendar. The Mayan calendar is cyclical, so it'll restart. Any one who thinks the world is gonna end because of that never took any Mayan archaeology classes in college...and is also an idiot

Well, you can't blame folks for the common misinterpretation. Couple the popularization of the idea that the calendar end is a doomsday prophecy with fact that the Mayans clearly WERE right about everything else, it is kind of scary. I mean look at how to this day the Mayan empire dominates the global economy and culture, oh wait, nevermind.

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Well, you can't blame folks for the common misinterpretation. Couple the popularization of the idea that the calendar end is a doomsday prophecy with fact that the Mayans clearly WERE right about everything else, it is kind of scary. I mean look at how to this day the Mayan empire dominates the global economy and culture, oh wait, nevermind.


:lol: nice

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