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I think I want a Martin 000-15...


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I played one today and it was absolutely breathtaking. Deep, resonant, lovely, WOODY tone that just poured from that instrument.


I love it because it sounds like a Gibson Jumbo and a Taylor Grand Auditorium mixed into one. It has singing highs but it sounds kind of woody and flat like a jumbo does. That makes it really good for recording as the sustain is not as pleasureable when playing in front of a mic.



I like it so much I'm actually thinking about letting my Taylor Big Baby go for it.


However my Taylor got a very huge ding on it within the past week and it is UGLY. Plus the guys at the music store are pretty cheap so i don't know what I could get for it.


$699 is the pricetag on the Martin. I paid $500 for my Big Baby (overcharged...same store).



I don't know...I swear I'd never sell my BB...I think it lost some of it's magic (especially since it has ernie ball strings on there now; i hate EB's but i wanted to give them one more chance and i still hate them).


I did a lot of good recordings with it, and it fits me nicely, but I think GAS is getting the better of me. I also just bought a Fender Toronado from the same store (which admittedly was a great price...$395.. but i'm still paying it off).



I'm not sure what to do. I love this guitar. I love my Big Baby.



help :confused:

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I purchased a 000-15 about 10 days ago after listening to many different guitars and reading the owners comments on this site. If you can get it for 700 bucks it is a bargain compared to the 8000 Danish crowns I had to pay here in Denmark.......

Just try to get them to upgrade the case to a geib, the one it comes with is a little crappy to say the least.





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I agree that the Martin 15 series guitar are a great value. You must have gotten one with a fresh set of strings though. Most of the ones I've tried sounded dead because the strings were stiff and tarnished.


That being said, when you do finally pull the trigger and bring it home, try a bunch of different strings. Martin SPs (that come on their guitars I believe) are good but they can go dead in about 2 weeks if you don't keep up on wiping them down after every session.


BTW, why not just keep the Baby? They're a good travel-sized guitar from what I hear.

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Thanks guys...


GAS is a love/hate situation. You hate it because it comes on so strong, but you love it because, like a new girlfriend, you can't stop thinking about them when you first see them (or play with them... ...wow that sounded wrong)




Originally posted by kwakatak

BTW, why not just keep the Baby? They're a good travel-sized guitar from what I hear.




I love my Big Baby but the Martin fit me just as well if not better. I don't know if small(er) guitars just fit me better or what. I used to have a Yamaha FG412-S, and it was a blast to play, but as soon as I found the Big Baby, I was like...whoa...I actually have reach!


So I'm not sure. I really want to get it. And 3 out of 3 guys say I should... mmm


I'll have to buzz down there monday morning and see what they'll give me for my Big Baby. Any other suggestions on getting the most out of my Big Baby?


BTW I'm also saving for a trip to canada to go live there so I don't have A LOT of money to spend..



Thanks again guys!



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Okay guys, here's the concensus.


I went to the store today, armed with my Big Baby. I took both of them (the BB and the Martin) into the sound room. Had it all to myself.


I A/B'd the two for about a half an hour.


Here's what I found :




The Martin had a nice woody sound to it. Very nice lows, yet stayed faithful in the highs. It played like a dream and felt wonderful.


My Taylor came alive once again, belting out that beautiful sitka tone and shimmering with beauty. The lows are lacking, but I can deal with it. It didn't feel as nice as the Martin, but as soon as I strummed some Cadd9 and G chords, it was obvious that the Big Baby was the winner.



Just for kicks I asked how much they would give me for my Taylor. They quoted me $250. That means that I would have to pay another $450 to take the Martin home.


No deal.



I went home a little sad but completely satisfied. My Big Baby is still my "baby". The Martin was nice, but there wasn't that much of a difference to chance $450 PLUS my beautiful Taylor Big Baby for it.




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Man, that dealer should be horse-whipped for charging you $500 for a Big Baby! That's a whopping 8% off full list price. My dealer sold me one for $299 and let me rifle through 5 or 6 until I found the top I liked. They are pretty nice guitars, but in the end, the "thin" sound wore on me and I soon needed a more full sound.


Save up and get the Martin, keep the BB and enjoy both.

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+1 on what bigmo said. That guy should be able to come down another $50 IMO. That trade-in quote on your Taylor is just an insult, regardless of the ding. In any event, I would not do any more business with him even if he were the only dealer in town - especially since you admitted that he overcharged you for the BB! :rolleyes:


It's not all bad though. At least you got an idea of what a new 000-15 sounds like so you could always call around for a better price. I'd advise looking for one online from an out-of-state dealer - no sales tax in some cases! :D


Here's an example:



BTW, maybe the 000-15 isn't the guitar for you. I haven't found one that blew my skirt up either. Bear in mind that a lot of folks like to fingerpick on them though os maybe they're not what you would want if you strum or flatpick. I'm told that mahogany tops also take a little longer to open up than spruce tops so you don't get the full effect until after several months of hard playing on one.

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