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Tips on removing Marks from sanding


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you use finer and finer sandpaper, 100, then 220, then 330 then 440, then 600 and so on, until all the sanding marks have been polished out.


Exactly. With wood you never get rid of the scratches. You just make them smaller. That's also part of the reason you sand with the grain. The scratches that remain look like part of the wood grain and the human eye is fooled into thinking they don't exist. Heard that one from my wood shop teacher in high school. Is it true? I dunno but it sounds cool.

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Are you removing it from bare wood or a finish?



Very important distinction, though the process is similar.


In the case of a finish you usually start at higher grits and move to really high grits. Then finish with either a wet sand or polishing compound. When working on a finish you don't have to worry about going with the grain. I rotate the direction 90 deg for each grit so I can see when all the bigger scatches disappear. Once they are gone and all the scratches go in one direction you switch grits and directions again.

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