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String Question for Taylor Players


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Originally posted by theGOOCH

Do Elixers really last longer like they claim? 'cuz good lawd, thats a lot of money!



I have a year-and-a-half old set on my Starfield beater - they were to original strings off my 314. I still shake my head when I play it - I can't believe they're not dead yet.

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Originally posted by MyM.O.

Elixers suit Taylors. I use nanoweb lights.



I agree. Being a phosphor bronze sort of guy my choice on the 314 is Nano PB's. I've been using the Light-Mediums lately because I tune down. Obviously your milage (and tastes) may vary.


I recently tried a set of Martin Fingerstyle PB's - liked the sound but hated the squeek. Went back to the old Nanos.

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Originally posted by t60 fan

I really like her. Everything you and I have discussed about blackwood tone translates beautifully to the 12. If your ever in central OH you can try her out.

BTW, did you see the D-03BW that just sold on ebay? I really wanted that one as it was just up the road in Columbus.



Yeah! That thing was pretty. I believe it went for ~$750. Thats a pretty good deal, all things considered. A while back a friend offered $800 for mine. I don't think I'll be parting with it soon though.


Maybe in a few years to help fund a Goodall koa...but that's still at least a year away.

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Well, I suppose I'm one of the few that uses the coated D'addarios. I might go out and get some elixers to chunk on and give them another shot. I've never been impressed with them on any other guitars I've played, but several of you seem convinced they suit the Taylor tone. I think they came stock on my 814 but can't really remember what I thought of them. I changed those strings the second I got home to give it a nice "new" feel.

Nanoweb or Polyweb? Any preferences out there?

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Originally posted by t60 fan

I just bought some Martin SP phosphor bronze (GC had them 5 sets for $19.98) to try. May put them on this evening.



Put the Martins on the 314 last night. Definite difference, which is kinda' cool. But I'm not really sure if I like them better - need to spend a little more time. Definitely earthier, but a little duller. Hmm. The elixirs that came off are nano PB's, and they did work pretty well, much better than the original standard nano's. My first blush is the nano PB's with the longer lifespan may be my preference, but like I said I'll have to play the Marty's a while...

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