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Acoustic Guitar opinion please


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A local fellow is in need of some cash and wants to sell off his Epiphone Masterbilt DR500ME acoustic. He wants $200 for it.


Nice looking guitar in excellent shape, seems to play real well, looks like he took real good care of it. I was gonna go ahead and give him the $$ tomorrow. I don't really need another guitar, but he's needy and it's nice to have an extra laying about.


Anyone have any insight on this model, what the average price is. etc etc etc

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Well, true to his word, he was on my doorsteps bright and early. Guess he really needed the cash. At any rate, here's the new Guitar:


I am rather surprised, this thing plays really well, sounds better.

And here is why I will never be able to be the hard-nosed business type. He looked so broken hearted giving up his guitar I told him if he could come up with the cash in a reasonable time frame, I'd sell him his guitar back. In the meantime it'll be safe and sound in my little music room.

What am I, a pawn shop? :mad: Ok, I confess, I have a heart. It's a anti-Joe-gets-rich personality flaw.

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Well, true to his word, he was on my doorsteps bright and early. Guess he really needed the cash. At any rate, here's the new Guitar:


I am rather surprised, this thing plays really well, sounds better.

And here is why I will never be able to be the hard-nosed business type. He looked so broken hearted giving up his guitar I told him if he could come up with the cash in a reasonable time frame, I'd sell him his guitar back. In the meantime it'll be safe and sound in my little music room.

What am I, a pawn shop?
Ok, I confess, I have a heart. It's a anti-Joe-gets-rich personality flaw.

Oh wow...I really feel sorry for your friend because that looks like one sweet guitar..:cry: You are a really good friend to take it and offer to sell it back to him if he ever can pay you back. I am sure you will take excellent care of it.

Nice story...thanks for the pics too.:thu:

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Nice pick up, but if I knew him well enough, I may have just loaned him the money. I have been in that situation myself. Not any fun and you feel bad for weeks. I sold a Gibson collection that I had since the 60's. A divorce thing. Couldn't afford to keep them. After throwing up, I decided to go out and buy myself something I could afford...kind of like taking a bromo. It worked temporarily. I am pretty cured now, but memory does work on the stomach when I cruise this forum and visit nice guitar shops.

I hope your friend can get his axe back. And I think you did a good thing, "holding it" for him.

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