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Yes Idolits, that's what I call people that don't like to listen to new music because it's unfamiliar to them. However, they can usually name each American Idol winner by name and year they won. That TV show has brainwashed some people into feeling that if an artist doesn't come from their selection process they aren't worthy of being listened to. So, I call them Idolits. It's a play on 'Idol Is It' and 'Idiot'. [end rant]

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i really hate people like that. they wouldnt know good music if it hit them in the face. they only listen to what MTV tells them to listen to. i refuse to listen to an american idol winner on the radio (or any american idol contestant for that matter). im not really a music snob, but i hate all of the mainstream crap music that is on the radio and on MTV nowadays. every once in a while someone good will slip through, but they are few and far between.


very nice on the word-play. i didnt get it untill you clarified it.... not really. im sure if there was an "idolit" reading this they wouldnt get it.

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I know what you mean about this American Idol...it has turned music into a competition with basically second rate karoke singers as the contestants. From what little I have watched of this show I have yet to hear anyone that could really sing well enough to capture my attention. I mean...I watched part of Canadian Idol the other night and this really hot looking blonde girl got up and sang a really mediocre version of a David Bowie song and the judges were amost pissing themselves about how good her "stage presence" was and how she really "rocked the tune". Now...I have seen better stage presence from a second rate pole dancer at the local peeler bar...:rolleyes: This girl had about as much "Rock n Roll" stage presence as Celine Dion (get my drift?)


Anyhow...with these shows it's all about looks and popularity votes and not so much about musical talent.


Here is my personal "Canadian Idol". No...he doesn't sing but he plays saxophone like a motherf*cker...my nephew Kenji Omae (his dad is Japanese Canadian) playing with the Ben Ball Quartet in Korea.


Song For Joy



Andrew's Blues


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i really hate people like that. they wouldnt know good music if it hit them in the face. they only listen to what MTV tells them to listen to. i refuse to listen to an american idol winner on the radio (or any american idol contestant for that matter).



American idol contestants are no doubt good singers, but I feel like they lack any of the creative talent that great bands and musicians have. Bob Dylan will never have the voice of an american "idol", but he'll always be one of the greatest singer-songwriters in my book.


MTV, now thats a different story. I feel bad for the generations of kids who are enveloped in false celebrities and horrible music. Even hip-hop has taken a turn for the worst in my opinion. Groups like the beastie boys and Run DMC made music, but with MTV guys like "soulja boy" can come in without real talent and put on a flashy show.

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I don't listen to new music that much. Most of what I listen to tends to be decades and decades (if not centuries) old.




But now and then, somebody kicks me a link to a new tune that I really like. And, of course, I thoroughly enjoy the music on the Annex, some old, some new, some original - all great. :love:

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I have never watched American Idol. Not interested. Seldom listen to the radio either. It's mostly crap. But - on Satellite TV/Cable tv/Satellite Radio, there are some tasty tunes being served. I used to have Dish Network and loved the "Acoustic crossroads" channel. On XM there are several good channels (I listen to "XM cafe" quite a bit). There are also a lot of internet radio station serving up good things.


It seems you have to get away from the whole "music is a money making industry that must be maximized for profit" crowd before anything worthwhile comes into view.


World Cafe on NPR is also very good.

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I've never watched American Idol either but my wife does. She's a sucker for that reality crap! Anyway I enjoy just about all kinds of music. I have a couple of DVDS based on Riverdance with Patrick Flatley and feel in love with Celtic music. Some of it makes me giddy and some sad. I do have my favorites though and thats the oldies from the sixties. Neil Diamond, Beach Boys, Jim Croce, stuff like that.

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